These sentences can all be completed with a phrasal verb using come or get. In one case, either may  be possible. Make sure you use the correct form of the verb in each one.

1. In rural districts (vùng nông thôn), it can be difficult to ______ by without a car.
2. Scientists _______ across the cure (phương thuốc) by accident, while studying the health benefits of a rare species of plant (thực vật).
3. The anti-smoking message is finally _______ through to people.
4. Large industries can no longer _______ away with dumping (v-đổ xuống, trúc xuống) industrial waste in rivers.
5. Doctors realised there was going to be a problem when several people in the same village  ______
down with suspected food poisoning.
6. It can be very difficult to _______ down to studying for exams when the weather is nice.
7. It was only after he _______ into his inheritance after his father died that he was able to expand
the company.
8. After the revolution, it took almost five years for the country to __________ round to opening its
9. The government ________ up against a lot of opposition from locals when they proposed building
an immigration centre near the village.
10. Developed countries are usually able to ______ through a period of recession by drawing on
financial reserves.
11. There was strong resistance to the union when it urged (v-thúc giục, cố nài) workers to ________ out on strike.
12. People who live in close proximity (sự gần gũi) to one another must learn to ________ on with their neighbours.
13. Nothing __________ of the company's plans to develop solar-powered vehicles.
14. The final bill for the project __________ to almost £10 million.
15. For most poor people, __________out of the cycle of poverty can be next to impossible.
16. In any dispute with an insurance company, it is usually the consumer who _______ off the worst.
17. When supply of a particular product exceeds demand, it is common for the price to __________ down.
18. By the time the message __________ through it was too late to evacuate the residents.
19. The country never __________ over the effects of the civil war.
20. Generally, people are reluctant (adj-miễn cưỡng, bất đắc dĩ) to break rules, but will try to _____ round them somehow.

1. get 2. came 3. getting 4. get 5. came 6. get 7. came 8. get 9. came 10. get 11. come 12.
get 13. came 14. came 15. getting 16. comes 17. come 18. came / got 19. got 20. get

to get by (phrv-nhận được bằng)
   (when you get by or get by something, you pass something or someone while you are walking or driving even though it may be difficult because there is not enough room.)
to came across S.O (phrv-tình cờ gặp ai)
   (when you come across people or things, you see or find them without planning or expecting to.)
to getting through (phrv-vượt qua; làm xong)
  (when you get through, get through with an activity, or get through doing an activity, you finish it or finish doing it.)
to get away (with) (phrv-chạy chốn)
  (When you do something that is sneaky or wrong and you are not punished or criticized for it because no one knows or cares about it, you get away with it.)
to came down with (phrv-nhiễm bệnh/fall ill)
   (when you are starting to get sick, you are coming down with something or coming down with an illness. For example: My grandmother said, "If you don't wear an undershirt, you'll come down with pneumonia.")
to get down (phrv-buồn phiền, chán nản, unhappy)
  (when things or people get you down, they make you sad or depressed.)
  (when you bend your body and lower your head to avoid danger or to prevent people from seeing you, you get down. For example: When the enemy soldiers started shooting, the sergeant ordered his men to get down.)
to come into (phrv-thừa kế/inherit; be important or relevant)
  (When people or things enter a place, room, house, and so on that you are in, they come in or come into it. Go out is the opposite of come in.)
to get round (phrv-become know, find a solution)
to came up against (phrv-gặp phải vấn đề hoặc khó khăn)
to get through (phrv-vượt qua; làm xong)
to come out (phrv-rời khỏi, ko tham gia)
   (when people or things leave a place, room, or house that you are not in, they come out of it.)
to get on with (phrv-tiếp tục làm gì; lên tàu/xe)
  (when you continue doing something, you get on, get on with what you were doing, or get on with it.)
  (when you enter a bus, train, airplane, ship, and so on, you get on it.)
to came of (phrv-bong ra, chóc ra)
to came to (phrv-đổi hướng (gió))
to getting out of (phrv-thoát khỏi)
to come off (phrv-lắng xuống; rời xa)
to come down (phrv-đi xuống, hạ xuống; sụp đổ, rớt xuống)
to came/got through (phrv-vượt qua; làm xong)
to got over (phrv-vượt qua)
   (when you get over a problem, illness, or emotionally painful experience, you stop letting it affect you and continue with your life.)
to get round (phrv-become know, find a solution)


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