The following sentences all use phrasal verbs with give, go or look. However, half of them use the wrong phrasal verb. Decide which ones are wrong and replace them with the correct phrasal verb, which you will find in the other sentences

1. I'd like you to look after these figures and tell me if you think the project is possible.
2. As ticket prices go up, fewer people go to the cinema and prefer to stay at home with a video.
3. People who have to give in elderly relatives (người thân quen) or other dependants (người phụ thuộc) should receive financial support.
4. The chancellor had decided to stand firm on (đứng vững bền) his decision, but under pressure from protesters (người phản đối), he decided to go into and reduce tax on petrol.
5. The committee were asked to look into the latest crime statistics and try to establish a pattern.
6. It is important not to let the fire go out, as it's the main source of power.
7. Very few children give off their end-of-year school exams.
8. The threat of severe reprisals (sự trả thù )meant that many refused to give themselves up to the police.
9. Before entering an agreement, it is essential to go off the details very carefully.
10. People who want to know how to go about starting their own company should talk to a trained adviser. (cố vấn đào tạo)
11. Some people tend to go over others who are less fortunate (chỉ là bởi vì) purely because of their financial situation. (tình hình tài chính)
12. There were very few clues to the crime, and police didn't have enough information to go on.
13. People often look over the idea of starting their own company when they realise the risks that are involved.
14. Even if you fail the first time, you should go on trying.
15. After years of decline, government investment is revitalising (v-tái sinh, đem lại sức sống mới) the area, and things are beginning to look up.
16. The first step to a healthier lifestyle is to give up smoking.
17. New legislation (n-chế tài) lays down strict penalties for factories which look up to poisonous fumes.
18. We decided not to go through with our plans until we had sufficient capital. (đủ khả năng vốn)
19. Although children should look forward to their parents, many rebel (nỗi loạn, chống đối) against their values and way of life.
20. We asked them for more information, but they refused to look down on details.

1. look over 2. ok 3. look after 4. give in 5. ok 6. ok 7. look forward to 8. ok 9. go over 10. ok 11. look down on 12. ok 13. go off 14. ok 15. ok 16. ok 17. give off 18. ok 19. look up to 20. go into

to look over (phrv-xem xét, kiểm tra)
   (When you look something over, you look at it or read it carefully and thoroughly.)
to go up (phrv-leo lên, tăng lên)
  (When the cost, rate, quality, quantity, or level of something increases, it goes up. Go down is the opposite of go up.)
to look after (phrv-chăm sóc)
to give in (phrv-nhượng bộ, chịu thua)
  (When someone pressures or forces you to do something or allow something even though you do not want to, you give in.)
to look into (phrv-nhìn vào bên trong, xem xét kỹ, nghiên cứu)
  (When you look into something or look into doing something, you investigate it or get more information about it.)
to go out (phrv-tắt, đi ra, đi ra ngoài)
  (When something that is burning goes out, it stops burning because it has no more fuel or because something, such as water or lack of oxygen, has caused it to stop burning.)
  (When people or things leave a place, room, or house that you are in, they go out or go out of it. Come in is the opposite of go out.)
to look forward to (phrv-mong đợi)
  (When you look forward to something or look forward to doing something, you are excited about something in the future because you enjoy it or because it will benefit you in some way.)
to give themselves up (phrv-bỏ, từ bỏ)
  (When you are running from or fighting with the police or enemy soldiers and you surrender, you give up or give yourself up.)
  (When you stop trying to do something because you think you will never succeed, you give up or give up on it.)
to go over (phrv-kiểm tra, xem xét kỹ lưỡng)
   (When you carefully read or review important written material, you go over it.)
   (go over (to) p.v. When people move from where you are to a place, thing, or person that is farther away from you, they go over or go over to that place, thing, or person.)
to go about (phrv-bắt tay vào việc gì)
   (When you go about something or go about doing something, you begin or continue to follow all the steps necessary to do it.)
to look down on (phrv-xem thườn người khác)
  (When you look down on people, you consider them to be less intelligent, less educated, or from a lower level of society than you.)
to go on (phrv-tiếp tục, làm tiếp)
  (When an event or activity goes on, it continues. or to went on)
  (When an electrical device or system goes on, it begins to operate.)
to go off (phrv-nổ (súng); ngừng) or to went off
   (When an electrical device or synstem goes off, it stops operating. Come on is the opposite of go off.)
   (When a gun goes off, it fires. When a bomb goes off, it explodes. When an alarm or alarm clock goes off, it makes a loud noise.)
to go on trying (phrv-tiếp tục thử)
to look up (phrv-tìm kiếm)
to give up (phrv-từ bỏ)
to give off (phrv-phát ra, tỏa ra)
to go through (phrv-kiểm tra kỹ lưỡng, xem xét tỉ mỉ)
to look up to (phrv-tôn kính, kính trọng)
  (When you look up to people, you admire and respect them.)
to go into (phrv-đi vào trong; xem xét, xét) on details
  (When you go in or go into a place, building, room, and so on, you enter it.)


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