Complete the second sentence in each pair with a phrasal verb from the box so that it has the same meaning as the first sentence. You will need to change the verb form in most of the sentences.

break down • carry out • cut back on • cut off • do away with
do up • end up • fall through • hold up • keep on
let down • let off • pull out of • pull through • show up
sort out • split up • wear off • wear out • work out

1. Peace talks between the two countries collapsed when neither side reached an agreement.
Peace talks between the two countries _______ when neither side reached an agreement.

2. I'm trying to calculate if we've sold more this year than last year.
I'm trying to __________ if we've sold more this year than last year.

3. The effects of the drug disappear after a few hours.
The effects of the drug _______ after a few hours.

4. A lot of people exhaust themselves through overwork.
A lot of people _______ themselves _____ through overwork.

5. Despite the severity of the disease, many people recover with the help of appropriate drugs.
Despite the severity of the disease, many people ________ with the help of appropriate drugs.

6. Through careful negotiation, they were able to resolve the problem.
Through careful negotiation, they were able to ________ the problem.

7. When parents start to live apart (adv-xa nhau, tách rời), it can be particularly difficult for their children to cope. (đối phó, đương đầu)
When parents ______ , it can be particularly difficult for their children to cope.

8. At the opening night, only a few audience members came.
At the opening night, only a few audience members _______ .

9. The Australian partners stopped being a part of the deal at the last moment. (vào phút cuối)
The Australian partners _______ the deal at the last moment.

10. People celebrate the Chinese New Year by exploding fireworks in the street.
People celebrate the Chinese New Year by __________ fireworks in the street.

11. It is pointless (adj-vô nghĩa) relying on people to help you if they don't do as they promised.
It is pointless relying on people to help you if they ______ you ________.

12. New government pension plans mean that many people will continue working well into their seventies.
New government pension plans mean that many people will _______ working well into their seventies.

13. The planned changes were delayed because committee members argued among themselves.
The planned changes were _______ because committee members argued among themselves.

14. At the last minute, the plans for the proposed motorway didn't take place.
At the last minute, the plans for the proposed motorway _______ .

15. During the recession (tình trạng suy thoái), many workers in the primary sector became jobless.
During the recession, many workers in the primary sector ________ jobless. (adj-thất nghiệp)

16. Doctors did some tests on the patients.
Doctors _______ some tests on the patients.

17. Minor economies, such as spending less on staff costs, can often prevent a company  (v-trượt, lướt) sliding into bankruptcy. (sự vỡ nợ, sự phá sản)
Minor economies, such as _______ staff costs, can often prevent a company sliding into bankruptcy.

18. We were accidentally (adv-tình cờ, ngẫu nhiên) disconnected in the middle of our phone call.
We were accidentally ________ in the middle of our phone call.

19. Once the government removed quotas (n-hạn ngạch, chỉ tiêu), the market was flooded with cheap foreign imports.
Once the government _______ quotas, the market was flooded with cheap foreign imports.

20. It cost almost £8 million to renovate the stadium, by which time the team was in serious financial difficulties.
It cost almost £8 million to _______ the stadium, by which time the team was in serious financial difficulties.

1. broke down 2. work out 3. wear off 4. wear themselves out 5. pull through 6. sort out 7. split up
8. showed up 9. pulled out of 10. letting off 11. let you down 12. carry on 13. held up 14. fell through
15. ended up 16. carried out 17. cutting back on 18. cut off 19. did away with 20. do up

to break/broke down (phrv-hư hỏng, bị hỏng)
   (when something mechanical breaks down, it does not function.)
   (when an arrangement, agreement, negotiation, plan, or marriage breaks down, one or more persons involved is not cooperating or participating because of a disagreement or problem.)
to work out (phrv-xem xét, tính toán)
  (when you work out a calculation, measurement, or other problem, you do the work necessary to determine the result of the calculation or measurement or think about how to solve the problem.)
to wear off (phrv-làm tiêu)
   (when the effects of drugs or alcohol gradually go away, they wear off.)
to wear themselves out (phrv-làm mệt mỏi, mòn, làm mòn)
   (when something wears you out, it makes you very tired.)
   (when something wears out or you wear it out, it becomes damaged or weak from use and age and is no longer usable)
to pull through (phrv-vượt qua/khỏi khó khăn)
   (when you recover from a serious illness or injury, you pull through.)
to sort out (phrv-giải quyết)
  (when you sort a group of things out, you separate them into smaller groups according to one or more characteristics.)
   (when you do something to solve a problem or to correct a misunderstanding, you sort it out.)
to split up (phrv-chia ra)
to showed up (phrv-xuất hiện)
   (when something appears or becomes visible, it shows up.)
to pulled out of (phrv-rút khỏi S.T)
  (when you pull out or pull out of an agreement or arrangement, you leave it because you decide that you do not want to participate any longer.)
to let off (phrv-bắn súng, làm nổ)
   (when you fire a gun or explode bombs or fireworks, you let them off.)
to let you down (phrv-thất hứa, sai hẹn)
  (when you promise people you will do something and then fail to do it, you let them down.)
  (When you are disappointed because you cannot have something you want to have, because you cannot do something you want to do, or because something is less exciting than you expected it to be, you feel let down.)
to carry on (phrv-tiếp tục)
  (when you carry on, you continue as before, despite a difficult experience in your life.)
to held up (phrv-duy trì)
  (when you prevent something from happening or cause it to happen late, you hold it up. When things or people delay you, they hold you up.)
to fell through (phrv-hỏng, thất bại)
  (when a plan, an arrangement, or a business deal does not happen or is canceled because of a problem or because someone does not do what is expected, it falls through.)
to ended up (phrv-kết thúc, ngừng)
  (when people end up doing something or end up a certain way, it is the result of a series of decisions, actions, or unplanned and unexpected occurrences. End up is similar to wind up.)
to carried out (phrv-thực hiện)
   (when you carry out a duty, task, assignment, or order, you do it.)
   (Notes: carry... out (of) p.v. When you carry something out of a place, you hold it in your hands and take it from that place.)
to cutting back on (phrv-cắt giảm)
  (when you cut back, or cut back on the amount of money youspend, you spend less.)
to cut off (phrv-bị cắt)
  (When you stop the supply or flow of something, such as water, electricity, or money, you cut it off or you cut off the people receiving it.)
to did away with (phrv-đã bỏ đi)
  (When you do away with something, you eliminate it or prohibit it.)
  (When you do away with people, you kill them.)
to do up (phrv-sữa lại)


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