Complete the following phrasal verbs with a preposition(s) or particle(s) from the box. The meaning of the phrasal verb is given in brackets at the end of each sentence.

over • back • into • forward • of
on • down • to • up • behind
out • in • off • with

1. Some parents are criticized (v-chỉ trích, phê bình) for the way they bring _____ their children. (raise) (phv-chăm sóc; nâng đỡ)

2. The committee members fell _____ over plans for the new health centre. (argued)

3. They refused to face ____ ____ their responsibilities, with disastrous consequences (các hậu quả thảm khóc). (accept an unpleasant state of affairs, and try to deal with it)

4. The President decided to call ____ his visit to Europe. (not to go ahead with something)

5. It is only at election time that Members of Parliament count _____ support from their constituents. (n-cấu thành, hợp thành) (rely / depend)

6. Many developing countries are failing to catch ___ ___ their more developed neighbours. (get to the same level) (phv-bắt kịp với, theo kịp với S.B)

7. It can take months or even years for political scandals to die __________. (become less strong)

8. An alarming number of students drop _____ _____ school early every year. (leave) (phv-bỏ học)

9. Major international companies can't figure ____ the popularity of the anti-capitalist ovement. (find it hard to understand) (phv-tìm ra, hình dung ra)

10. If they examined the issues more closely, they would find ____ the reasons for the changes. (discover) (phv-tìm ra)

11. As we grow ___ our priorities change. (change from being children to being adults). (phv-lớn lên)

12. Students can be quite creative with the reasons they give for not handing ___ their homework. (giving their teachers) (phv-giao nộp, nộp bài)

13. Salaries very rarely keep ____ ____ the cost of living. (rise at the same speed as) (phv-theo kip S.T)

14. The latest Avicenna report leaves _____ the reasons for demographic shifts (sự dịch chuyển nhân khẩu). (does not include)

15. It does point ______ the mistakes made by the agency (n-cơ quan, sở) over the last few years. (show)

16. Before you write your essay, you should look _______ the Party's history. (research)

17. Many employees carried _______ working despite (prep-bất chấp, mặc dù) pressure from the unions (n-liên đoàn). (continued)

18. Once people fall ________ with their mortgage (n-cầm cố, thế chấp) payments, they come under extreme financial pressure from their bank. (become late)

19. The first step to a healthier lifestyle is to cut ____ ____ the number of cigarettes you smoke each day. (reduce)

20. It is becoming more common for people to cut _______ meat from their diet. (stop eating)

21. During the 1990's, a lot of hospitals were taken _______ by private trusts (n-các qũy tư nhân). (become controlled by another organisation)

22. When computer technology fails us, we have to make do ______ more primitive (adj-thô sơ, nguyên thủy) methods.  They're called 'pen and paper'. (use something because there is nothing else available)

23. In this essay, I'd like to put ______ the arguments in favour (n-thiên vị, ủng hộ) of global capitalism. (n-chủ nghĩa tư bản) (suggest or state the case for something)

24. When I look ____ ____ my childhood, I remember the many sacrifices (n-sự hy sinh) my parents made for me. (think about something that happened in the past)

1. up 2. out 3. up to 4. off 5. on 6. up with 7. down 8. out of
9. out 10. out 11. up 12. in 13. up with 14. out 15. out 16. into
17. on 18. behind 19. down on 20. out 21. over 22. with 23. forward 24. back on

to bring up S.O (phrv-chăm sóc; nâng đỡ)
   (when you bring up children, you care for them as they grow to adulthood)
to bring up S.T (v-nâng lên)
to fell out over S.T (phrv-rời bỏ) (because of a disagreement about that thing)
to face up to (phrv or v-đối diện với)
to call off (phv-hủy bỏ)
   (when you call off an event, such as a party, game, or something else that had been previously planned, you cancel it)
to catch up with (phv-bắt kịp với, theo kịp với)
   (when you move faster and reach the same level or place as people who had been moving faster or doing better than you were)
to die down (phrv-chết dần, tan biến đi)
to drop out of (phrv-bỏ học, rời bỏ)
   (drop out of a school, a training course, or other program, you leave before completing it)
to figure out (phrv-suy ra)
   (when you figure out something, such as the answer to a question, the solution to a problem, or why a person is a certain way or acts a certain way, you think about and succeed in understanding it.)
to find out (phrv-tìm ra)
to grow up (phrv-lớn lên, phát triển lên)
to hand in (phrv-nộp, giao nộp)
   (when you complete a test, report, or project and you give it to the person who assigned the work.)
to keep up with (phv-tiếp tục bắt kịp, tiếp tục theo kịp)
   (when you are in a group that is studying, working, and so on, and you are able to learn or work at the same rate as the others, you keep up or keep up with the group. Fall behind is the opposite of keep up.)
to leave out (phrv-bỏ sót, ko bao gồm)
to point out (phrv-chỉ ra)
   (when you bring things or people to someone's attention or indicate the location of things or people with your hand or index finger, you point them out)
to look into (phrv-nghiên cứu)
  (when you look into something or look into doing something, you investigate it or get more information about it.)
to carry on (phrv-vẫn tiếp tục)
   (When you carry on, you continue as before, despite a difficult experience in your life)
to fall behind (phrv-bỏ rơi lại phía sau OPP keep up with)
to cut down on (phrv-giảm bớt)
  (when you cut down or cut down on something that you consume, you use it less)
to cut out (phrv-ngừng ăn, ngừng làm gì)
  (When you cut out something that you consume, you stop using it)
to take over (phrv-tiếp nhận)
   (When you take something from one place to another.)
to make do with (phrv-thực hiện làm với S.T)
  (When you say that one thing has something to do with another, you mean there is a connection between the two.)
to put forward (phrv-đưa ra, phát biều)
to look back on (phrv-nhìn lại ngược về)


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