Below you will see some common expressions that you might find useful in the IELTS speaking test. Put each expression into the correct box according to the function of that expression.

1. May I think about that for a moment? (hiện tại)
2. In short,... (trong ngắn hạn)
3. What I’m trying to say is...
4. To sum up,... (tổng hợp)
5. What are your views on...?
6. Would you mind repeating that?
7. How can I put this?
8. In other words...(nói cách khác)
9. Sorry to butt in...(xin lỗi ngắt lời)
10. Well, as a matter of fact...
11. I’m not so sure about that
12. Pardon?
13. I can’t help thinking the same. (tôi ko thể ko nghĩ như vậy)
14. What are your feelings about...?
15. So in conclusion,...(vì vậy, trong kết luận)
16. I see things rather differently myself
17. True enough
18. That’s right
19. I don’t entirely agree with you
20. Perhaps I should make that clearer by saying...
21. How can I best say this? (làm sao tôi có thể nói điều này tốt nhất)
22. Could you repeat what you said?
23. I couldn’t agree more
24. Actually...
25. To put it another way... (nói một cách khác)
26. That’s just what I was thinking. (đó là những gì tôi đã suy nghĩ)
27. In brief,...(nói ngắn gọn)
28. Could I just say that...
29. Well, my own opinion is that...(ý kiến riêng của tôi là)
30. That’s my view exactly
31. To summarise,...(để tóm tắt)
32. What was that?
33. I must take issue with you on that (về điều đó)
34. Let me get this right. (hãy để tôi có được quyền này)
35. Sorry to interrupt, but....
36. I’m afraid I didn’t catch that
37. What’s your opinion?

Agreeing with somebody: Example: Yes, I agree.
Disagreeing with somebody: Example: I’m afraid I disagree.
Interrupting: Example: Excuse me for interrupting.
Asking for clarification or repetition: Example: I’m sorry?
Asking somebody for their opinion: Example: What do you think about...?
Saying something in another way: Example: What I mean is.....
Giving yourself time to think: Example: (in response to a question) Let me see.
Summing up: Example: So basically.....

Agreeing with somebody: 13 17 18 23 26 30
Disagreeing with somebody: 10 (followed by your opinion) 11 16 19 24 (followed by your opinion) 29 33 (slightly more forceful)
Interrupting: 9 28 35 (You shouldn’t interrupt too often. In any case, during the interview the examiner will leave you to do most of the talking)
Asking for clarification or repetition: 6 12 22 32 36 (Don’t just say What? Or Eh? )
Asking somebody for their opinion: 5 14 37
Saying something in another way: 3 8 20 21 25 27 (this can also be used for summing up)
Giving yourself time to think: 1 7 21 34
Summing up: 2 4 15 31


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