1. Conversation-building expressions
These are some common expressions that help to modify or organise what we are saying.
There are many more expressions like these.
Expression (meaning/function)
_ As I was saying. I haven't seen her for years. (takes the conversation back to an earlier point)
_ As I/you say, we'll have to get there early to get a seat. (repeats and confirms something someone has already said).
_ Talking of skiing, whatever happend to Bill Jakes? (starting a new topic but linking it to the present one)
_ If you ask me, she's heading for trouble. (if you want my opinion)
_ That reminds me, I haven't rung George yet. (S.T in the conversation reminds you of S.T important)
_ Come to think of it, did he give me his number after all? I think he may have forgotten. (S.T in the conversation makes you realize there may be a problem/query about S.T)

2. Key words
Some everyday expression can be grouped around key words.
This and that:
_ This is an important point.
_ That's the last thing, we've finished.
_ We talked about this and that or the other.
_ That is agreed, settled (adj- chắc chắn), finalized.

3. Common expressions for modifying statements
(refer to document)
_ Come to think of it, I don't remember giving her the key. I'd better ring her and check, just in case.


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