Our basic five senses are sight, hearing, taste, touch and smell. What is sometimes referred to as a 'sixth sense' is a power to be aware of things independently of the five physical senses, a kind of supernatural sense. The five basic verbs refering to the senses are modified by an adjective rather than an adverb.
_ He looks dreadful (adj- dễ sợ, khiếp).
_ The trip sounds marvellous (adj- kỳ diệu, phi thường).
_ The cake tastes good.
_ It felt strange.
_ The soup smelt delicious.

1. Sight
Look at the verbs of seeing in the text below.
_ Yesterday I glanced (v- liếc nhìn) out of the window and noticed a man observing a house opposite through a telescope (n- kính thiên văn).
_ I thought I glimpsed (v- thoáng thấy) a woman inside the house.
_ Then I saw someone else peering into (v- nhòm, ngó) the window of the same house.
_ I gazed at (v- nhìn chằm chằm) them wondering what they were doing.
_ Suddenly the first man stopped staring (adj- nhìn chằm chằm) through his telescope.
_ He went and hit the other one on the head with the telescope and I realized that I had witnessed (v- chứng kiến) a crime.

2. Hearing
The following scale relates to the sense of hearing and how loud things are:
   noiseless (ko có tiếng ồn)
   deafening (adj- làm điếc, inh tai)

3. Taste
Some different tastes with an example of a typical food.
   sweet (honey) (adj- ngọt) (pineapple n- quả thơm)
   salty (crisps) (adj- mặn)
   bitter (strong coffee) (adj- đắng) (unsweetened coffee n- cafe ko bỏ đường)
   sour (vinegar) (adj- vị chua) (lime n- chanh)
   spicy (Indian food) (adj- có mùi gia vị)
   hot (chilli)
If you say something tastes hot it may mean spicy rather than not cold.
Food can be tasty (adj- đầy hương vị), but tasteful (adj- trang nhã, có thẩm mỹ) is used to refer to furnishings, architecture or a style of dressing or behaviour.
The opposite of both is tasteless.

4. Touch
Some good verbs for describing different ways of touching
_ She nervously fingered (v- sờ mó)  her collar (n- cổ áo).
_ She tapped (v- vỗ nhẹ, gõ nhẹ) him on the shoulder
_ She grabbed (v- vồ lấy, gật lấy) her bag and ran.
_ He stroked (v- vuốt, vuốt ve) the cat and patted (v- vỗ nhẹ, vỗ về) the dog.
_ He grasped (v- nắm chặt, túm chặt) my hand and we ran.
_ It's rude to snatch (v- nắm lấy).
_ Press the button.
_ Please handle (v- cầm; xử lý) the goods with great care.
_ The secretaries complained the their boss was always pawing (v- sờ soạng) them. (an offensive (adj- khó chịu) way)

5. Smell
These adjectives describe how something smells.
   stinking (adj- rất khó chịu)
   smelly (adj- nặng mùi, hôi, thối)
   aromatic (adj- thơm)
   scented (adj- có mùi thơm nước hoa)
   fragrant (adj- thơm phức)
   sweet-smelling (adj- thơm)
   perfumed (adj- có xức nước hoa)

6. Sixth sense
Different phenomena (hiện tượng) which a person with sixth sense may experience:
   telepathy (n- ngoại cảm): suddenly think of someone two munites before they phone you?
   ghosts: see someone in white disappering into a wall?
   UFOs: see a flying saucer?
   premonitions (n- linh cảm): refuse to travel on plane because you feel something bad is going to happen?
   intuition (n- trực giác)

_ That smells wonderful
_Your hair looks great.
_ It sounds brilliant
_ This tastes delicious
_ I feel great
_ That sounds fantastic
_ You look upset. What's the matter?
_ He smells disgusting (adj- kinh tởm).


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