1. As ... as ... similes are easy to understand
If you see the phrase as dead as a doornail, you don't need to know what a doornail is, simply that the whole phrase means 'totally dead'.
Creating a picture in your mind can often help you remember the simile (n- sự so sánh):

as blind (adj- đui mù) as bat
as thin as a rake
as strong as an ox
as quiet as a mouse

Some other useful as ... as ... phrases.
_ The bed was as hard as iron and I couldn't sleep.
_ I'll give this plant some water. The soil's as dry as a bone.
_ He's as mad as hatter. He crossed the Atlantic in a bathtub.
_ She told the teacher, as bold as brass, that his lessons were boring.
_ You'll have to speak up (v- nói lớn) ; he's as deaf (adj- điếc) as a post (n- trụ, cột).
_ Don't worry. Using the computer's as easy as falling off a log.
_ She knew the answer as quick as a flash.
_ When I told him, his face went as red as a beetroot (n- củ cải đường).

Sometimes the second part can change the meaning of the first.
_ The Princes's skin was as white as snow. (beautifully white)
_ When he saw it, his face went as white as a sheet. (pale with fear/horror)
_ The fish was bad and I was as sick as a dog. (vomitting)
_ She ran off with my money; I felt as sick as a parrot. (bad feeling of disillusionment/ frustration)

2. Like ...
_ My plan worked like a dream, and the problem was soon solved.
_ Be careful the boss doesn't see you; she has eyes like a hawk (n- diều hâu).
_ No wonder he's fat. He eats like a horse and drinks like a fish.
_ Did you sleep well? Yes, thanks, like a log.
_ Sorry, I forgot to ring him again. I've got a head like a sieve!
_ The boss is like a bear with a sore head today. (in a very bad temper)
_ She goes around like a bull in a china shop.


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