1. Birth:
Diana had a baby yesterday.
It was born at 1.15 yesterday morning.
It weighed 3 kilograms.
They are going to call him John - after John, his grandfather.
Grandfather John's birthday is June 16th too - but he was born in 1945!
The baby's parents were born in 1974.

2. Marriage:
If you do not have a parner, you are single.
If you have a husband or wife, you are married.
If your husband or wife dies, you are widowed.
If your marriage breaks up, you are separated/divorced.
(the marriage has legally ended)
The wedding
(bride) groom
Bill and Sarah got married.
Sarah got married to Bill. (Not with Bill)
They (got) married in church.
They went to honeymoon to Italy.
They were married for twenty years.

3. Death
Then Bill became ill.
He died last year.
He died of a heart attack.
Bill is dead.
His death was a great shock to her.
Her grandmother has been dead for five years now.
She died of a heart attack.
Now all Jill's grandparents are dead.
to pass away (v) qua doi


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