Transitional Adverbs, Adverb Phases and Adverb Clauses:
1. Addition: (de them thong tin)
   Moreover (hon nua)
   Futhermore (hon the)
   In addition (them vao)
   Besides (ngoai ra)

2. Comparison: (y noi tuong tu)
Similarly (cung nhu the)
Likewise (tuong tu nhu vay)
In like manner (cung nhu vay)
In the same way (cung giong y)
Under the same circumstances (trong cung hoan canh)
Under the same conditions (cung dieu kien)

3. Contrast: (the hien tuong phan)
However (tuy nhien)
Yet (tuy nhien)
Nevertheless (tuy the ma)
On the other hand (mac khac)
On the contrary (trai lai)

4. Concession: (su nhuong bo, chac chan va ko)
Surely (khong nghi ngo)
Certainly (chac chan la)
Naturally (di nhien la)
No doubt (khong nghi ngo)
Although this may be true (mac du dieu nay co the dung)

5. Conclusion: (ket luan)
Finally (cuoi cung)
In conclusion (de ket luan)
In short (tom lai)
In brief (noi tom lai)

6. Enumeration: (so thu tu)

7. Example: (vi du)
For example (vi du)
For instance (vi du)
In general (noi chung)
Indeed (that ra)
Mainly (nhat la)
Namely (nhat la)

8. Frequency (tan suat)
Occasionally (thinh thoang)
Usually (thuong khi)
Often (thuong xuyen)
Frequently (thuong xuyen)
Sometimes (doi khi)
Generally (thuong thuong)

9. Place (noi chon)
Here (o day)
There (o do)
Elsewhere (o dau khac)
Farther on (xa xa)
In the background (trong hau truong)
Straight ahead (thang truoc mat)

10. Repetition: (su lap lai)
Again (lan nua)
As it has been pointed out (nhu da trinh bay)
In other words (noi cach khac)
As I have said above (nhu toi da noi tren)
Once again (mot lan nua)
As you’ve known (nhu da biet)

11. Result (ket qua)
Then (nhu the thi)
Therefore (cho nen)
Thus (cho nen)
As a result (ket qua la)
Thereby (do đó, bằng cách ấy)

12. Time (thoi gian)
Meanwhile (trong luc ay)
In the meantime (cung luc ay)
Simultaneously (cung luc do)
After a while (sau mot luc)
At that time (vao luc do)
In the past (trong qua khu)

Adverb Phase la mot trang tu gom co 01 preposition + object
Adverb Phase = Preposition + Object
   Ex: at the museum; in front of them; for dancing; near the big museum;
Adverb Clause = Conjunction + Clause
   Ex: Where he works; wherever he sees me;
Ta co 02 conjunction chi noi chon: WHERE, WHEREVER
Ta co 02 conjunction chi thoi gian: WHEN, WHENEVER

Ex: I meet him where my brother rent a room
Ex: I have to take care of the baby wherever the baby crawls.


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