1. Radio and TV programmes:
The news is on TV at 6 o'clock every night.
( = important things that happen)
Do you watch opera?
Home and Away is my favourite.
I like nature programmes best.
(= programmes about animals, birds, etc.)
I watched a documentary last night about drugs and young people.
(= programme looking at a social problem or question)
In talk shows, people talk about very personal and private things in their lives.
The children watch cartoons on Saturday mornings.
I always watch sport programmaes and films.

Types of TV programmes:
   news broadcasts
   current affairs programmes
   chat shows
   detection stories
   sports programmes
   weather forecasts
   music programmes
   game shows
   variety shows

A serial is a story that continues from one programme or episode to the next,
A series is about the same charaters or has the same format each week but each programme is complete in itself.

2. Newspapers and magazines, publishing
In most countries there are morning newspapers and evening newspapers.
Every month, I buy a magazine.
My mother buy women's magazines.
I like news magazines like Newsweek and Time.
My little brother buys comics.
Other types of magazines: sports magazines/ computer magazines/ teenage magazines.

Parts of newspaper:
   news reports
   the editorial (n- bài xã luận)
   feature articles: fashion or social trends
   horoscope (n- số tử vi)
   sports reports

A popular or tabloid newspaper focuses more on sensation (n- cảm giác) than real news whereas (conj- nhưng ngược lại) a quality newspaper professes to be more interested in real news than in sensation.

Make sure you know the verbs in these sentences:
_ The BBC World Service broadcast throughout the word.
_ I can receive/ pick up broadcasts from Moscow on my radio.
_ They're showing a good film on TV tonight.
_ This book was published by CUP but it was printed in Hong Kong
_ The films was shot/ made on location in Spain.
_ They cut/ censored film before showing it on FW.
_ This article/ programme has been badly edited.

3. Media and technology
Do you have satelite TV?
How many channels do you have? We have 25.
You can read some newspapers on the Internet.

4. People and the media.
There was an interview with the US President on TV last night.
The reporters are outside Zelda Glitzberg's house.
( = People who go out and get the news stories where they happen)
My sister is a journalist, she writes for The Oxford Times newspaper.
(= Person who writes articles.)

What can we find in these programmes ...?
Talking about fimaly problems (Talk show)
Film of elephants in Africa. (Nature programme)
Football cup final. (Sport programme)
Reports from all over the world. (International news)
Maria decides not to marry Philip

What can we find in these magazines?
   Articles about health.
   Picture of pop music stars.
   News about the Internet.
   Interview with politicians.

What do you call ...
A person who goes out and gets stories for newspapers? (A reporter)
A person who writes articles in newspapers and magazines?
A newspaper you can buy every day after about 5 p.m?
A magazine that children read, with cartoon pictures?
A programme on TV about animals, birds, ect?

Answer these questions for yourself:
_ Do you read a morning or an evening newspaper?
_ How many TV channels do you have?
_ Is satelite TV popular in your country?
_ How many hours of TV do you watch every day?
_ What are you favourite kinds of TV programmes?

Write definitions explaining what jobs each of these people involved in the media:
_ A foreign correspondent (phóng viên) is a jurnalist based abroad.
_ A sub-editor is someone who works in a newspaper office and decides on how the papes should be laid out (lay v- trình bày, bày biện), how stories need to be cut, what headlines (tiêu đề) should be used and so on.
_ A continuity (n- kich ban; su lien tuc) person is resposible for seeing that the continuity between one scene and another in a film is correct - for making sure that people do not suddenly wear different earings, for example.
_ An editor is person responsible for the production of a newspaper or magazine.
_ A librarian is a person who works in a place which lends books, (v- cho mượn)
_ A bookseller is someone who owns or works in a shop which sells books.
_ A publisher is a person or company responsible for having a book printed and organising its sale.
_ A columnist is a journalist who writes a regular column or feature for a newspaper/ magazine.
_ A camera operator is the person who operates a camera filming a TV programme or a film,
_ A critic is a person who writes reviews of books, films or theatre plays.

_ He doesn't even get up from the sofa to change channels; he just presses the buttons on the remote control.
_ You can hear BBC news broadcasts/ programmes all over the world.
_ A short wave or VHF radio can pick up/ receive many interesting stations.
_ Although our camcoder was expensive, we've taken some priceless (adj- vô giá) film of our children.
_ Children often prefer looking at comics to reading books.


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