1. Crimes, people who do them, and verbs
Crime (persone) verb
robbery (a robber) to rob somebody or a place (trom cuop)
murder (a murderer) to murder somebody (giet nguoi)
burglary (a burglar) to break into (v- a house/flat (an trom)
mugging (a mugger) to mug somebody (an va)
car theft (a car thief) to steal a car (trom xe)
drug pushing/dealing  (a drug pusher/dealer)  to sell drugs
terrorism (a terrorist) to attack somebody or a place (khung bo)
shoplifing (a shoplifter) to steak things from a shop

There was a burglary at the school last nigh.
John West murdered his wife.
There are a lot of muggings in the city centre.
That bank was robbed yesterday.
Somebody stole my bicycle.
I was robbed in the city center yesterday.

2. The law.
A student was arrested for shoplifting this morning.
The police came to the school and spoke to his teacher.
The student has to go to court next week.
if he is guilty he will have to pay a fine. (adj-có tội)
if he is innocent he can go home. (adj- trong sạch)
I don't think he will go to prison.

3. Crime prevention
What can goverments do to fight crime (=take action to stop crime)? These things happen some countries, although many people may thing they are not a good idea.
Police carry (=have) guns.
Police are allowed to (=are permitted to) stop anyone in the street and question them.
The courts give tougher punishments for crimes committed than in the past (e.g. bigger fines or longer prison sentences than in the past).
There is capital punishment (= death, e.g. by electric chair or hanging) for some crimes.
What can individuals do to prevent a crime from happening (= stop a crime happening)?

Here are things some people do to protect themselves and their property (=home and land), atthough you may not thing they are all a good idea.
_ Don't walk along dark streets late at night (e.g. midnight) on your own (=alone).
_ Lock all doors and windows when you go out.
_ Leave lights on at home when you go out.
_ Fit (=install) a burglar (n- trộm bẻ khóa) alarm (= a machine which makes a noise if someone enters your home)
_ Make sure your money is safe, e.g. wear a money belt.
_ Carry a mace spray. (This is a chemical and if you spray it in someone's face, it is very unpleasant. In some countries you are allowed to carry this type of spray).
_ Put money and valuables (= valuable possessions) in a safe. (= a strong metal box, which is very difficult to open or break).
_ Keep a gun in your house for self-defence (= to protect yourself if someone attacks you)

Do you often walk in areas which are not very safe?
Do you often walk on your own in these areas late at night?
Do you wear a money belt when you go out?
Do you wear an expensive watch or expensive jewellery?
Do you check doors and windows before you go out when your home is empty?
Do you have a burglar alarm?
Do you leave lights on when you go out?
Is there someone who protects the building while you are out?
Do you have a safe in your home?

Do you think the police should carry/bring guns?
Do you think the police should be allowed/able to stop and question people without a special reason?
Do you agree with capital punishment for certain crimes such as murder?
Do you think it should be legal for people to carry a mace spray?
Do you think people should be allowed to use a gun or knife in self-defence?
Do you think tougher punishments will help to reduce/cut crime?

4. Other crime problems:
Some vandals (kẻ phá hoại) broke the windows in the telephone box.
(A vandal breaks and smashes things) (v-đập, đập vỡ)
We have a lot of vandalism in my town.
A lot of young people take drugs nowadays.
Is football hooliganism a problem in your country?
(A football holigan is a person who goes to a football match and makes troubles).
What do we call ....?
a person who steal cars?
a person who kills someone?
a person who steals things from shops?
a person who robs people's house and flats?
a person who attacks someone in the street and steals their money?
a person who sells dangerous drugs?

What do you thing happen to these people?
A man murdered his wife and three children.
_ in prison for life.
A student with no money stole a book from a bookshop.
_ a fine of 50 dolar.
A woman sold some drugs to a teenager.
_ five years in prison.
Some terrorists attacked a bus and killed 5 people.
_ 30 years in prison.
A woman parked her car and blocked the traffic.
_ must work in a hospital for six months
A man who drank too much alcohol drove his car and crashed.
_ must not drive a car for a year.


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