1. TV, radio, music, video
_ I watch TV every evening.
_ Did you watch/see the film about President Kennedy?
_ I listen to the radio every moring.
_ What programmes do you like best on TV and radio?
_ I like watching films on TV.
_ I often listen to CDs when I am relaxing.

2. Hobbies/ activities at home
_ A lot of young people play computer games everyday.
_ Do you use the Internet?
_ I really like cooking.
_ Do you like gardening?
_ We grows flowers and vegetables in our garden.
_ I don't have a garden, but I have a lot of house plants.

3. Reading
_ I read a lot at home.
_ What do you read?
_ I read novels. (= long stories)
_ I like books about nature/ different countries, etc.
_ I like magazines about rock music and sport.
_ Do you read a newspaper everyday?

4. Time with other people
_ Sometimes we invite friends around/ have friend around.
( = we ask them to come to our house/flat)
_ I often have people/have friends to dinner.
_ My best friend comes to stay sometimes.
(= sleeps in my house/flat)
_ I talk to my friends on the phone every evening. (or about once a week)

5. Just relaxing
_ Sometimes, I just do nothing.
_ I like to have a sleep after lunch.
_ Answer for yourself:
_ If you have friends around, what do you like to do?
_ Does anyone come to stay at your house/flat?
_ What do you like to read most?
_ How often do you ring your friends?


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