1. Types of films
a horror film (kinh di)
an action film
a musical
a cartoon
a crime/detective film
a comedy (hai kich)
a science fiction film
a love story/ a romantic film

Do you like western? No, I like science fiction film best.
The best action film I've seen was Goldfinger with James Bond.
If I see a horror film, I can't sleep.
Name one science fiction film you have seen.
Who is your favourite film start?

2. People in films
Zelda Glitzberg is a film star.
Sean Connery played James Bond in From Russia with Love.
I like films by Italian directors.

3. Watching films
Do you go to the cinema often?
_ Yes, I go every week.
No, I watch videos at home.

What's on at the cinema this week?
_ It's a comedy called Airplane.

Have you seen The English Patient?
Yes I saw it on TV.

Did you like Dirty Harry?
_ Yes, I loved it/ enjoyed it.
No, it was boring. (= makes you want to fall asleep).


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