1. At home:
The TV isn't working. Can you repair it?
The washing machine is broken. We need to mend it. (tu bổ, sửa chữa)
The plants are dying. Did you forget to water them?
The room is untidy. We must tidy it. (gọn ngàn, ngăn nấp)
She keeps her flat very tidy.
I've lost my keys. Will you help me look for them?
You've cut your finger.
You should put on a plaster (băng vết thương)
You've had a rowdyism with friend. Will you apologise? (tính côn đồ)

Yesterday morning Paul had a lot of problems.

He decided to make some toast, but he burnt the first piece (if burn S.T, you damage it with fire), then realised he'd run out of bread (= the bread was finished/ there was no more bread). He did not leave home in a good mood. (=feeling very happy).

2. At work
Carla had a bad day at work yesterday. She was late for work.
She had too much work to do.
Her colleague was in a bad mood. (tâm trạng xấu, tính khí thất thường)
Her computer crashed.
The photocopier was out of order.
The coffee machine wasn't working.
What is the problem?
The coffee machine isn't working.
Her computer has crashed.
The cup is broken.
The phone is out of order.
She has too much work.
His hand is cut.
The room is untidy.
She is late for work.
Electricity cut off.
Device powee cut off.


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