1. Natural disasters
There was a hurricane/ snowstorm/ forest fire there last year.
hurricane = when there is a very strong wind.
Snowstorm = when there is a lot of snow and wind at the same time.
forest fire = when it is very dry and trees catch fire.
   The car was now on fire.
   Most animals are afraid of fire.
San Francisco has had a lot of earthquakes. (= when the earth moves)
The river often floods after heavy rain. (= when there is too much water)

Disaster/tragedies (thảm kịch):

Verbs connected with these words:
_ A volcano has erupted in Indonesia. Hundreds are feared dead. (v- sợ, lo ngại)
_ The flu epidemic spread rapidly throughout the country.
_ Millions are starving (v- chết vì đói) as a result of the famine (n- nạn đói kém).
_ A big earthquake shook (v- rung, lắc) the city at noon today.
_ The area is suffering its worst drought for many years.
_ Civil war has broken out in the north of the country.
_ A tornado swept through the islands yesterday.
_ 200 people were injured (v- bị thương) and dozens of building were damaged in the hurricane.

Words for people involved in disasters/tragedies.
_ The explosion resulted in 300 casualties. (dead and injured people)
_ The real victims (n- nạn nhân) of the civil war are the children left without parents.
_ There were only three survivors. All the other passenger died instantly. (adv- ngay tức khắc)
_ Thousands of refugees (n- người tị nạn) have crossed the border looking for food and shelter (n- chổ ẩn nấu).
_ During the battle (n- trận đánh), the dead and wounded (bị thương) were flown out in helicopters.

2. Man-made problems:
There are too many people in some places.
Ctities are too crowded.

Many people are:
poor = they do not have enough money.
hungry = they do not have enough food.
homeless = they do not have a place to live.
unemployed = they do not have a job.

_ There is a lot of pollution in many cities. (=when the air, water or earth is dirty and bad for people, plants and animals)
_ The air pollution is very bad today.
_ The river is polluted and a lot of fish have died.
_ The American War of Independence lasted eight years. (= fighting between two or more countries or nationalities)
_ The traffic jams in the city are terrible in the rush hour. (= times when everyone is going to work)
_ He had a car crash on the way to work.
_ There's a teacher's strike today. (đình công) (= when they will not work)
_ The bus drivers are on strike.

What problems can you see in social:
strike (đình công)
car crash
flood (lũ lụt)
forest fire
hurricane (lóc xoáy)
traffic jam
pollution (sự ô nhiểm)
population explosion (sự bùng nỗ dân số)
disaster (tai họa, thảm họa)

We have poor people in big cities, hungry people in big cities, homeless people in the capital, unemployed people in the north, too many people in the capital, traffic jams in big cities, car crashes on main roads, strikes in some factories. Fortunately, we don't have any wars.

_ Cars make air pollution worst in towns.
_ Their wages (n- tiền công) were very low so the workers went on strike.
_ My great-grandfather died in the First World War.
_ Jack had a car crash last year but fortunately no-one was hurt.
_ Japan often has earthquakes and Siberia often has snowstorms.
_ When people are homeless, they sometimes have to sleep on the streets.


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