Speakers tend to use proverbs to comment on a situation, often at the end of a true story someone has told, or in response to some event. As with all idiomatic expressions, they are useful and enjoyable to know and understand, but should be used with care.

1. Warnings/ advice/ morals - do's and don'ts

2. Key elements
Proverbs can also be grouped by some key elements, for example, animals and birds
_ When the cat's away, the mice will play. (people will take advantage of someone else's absence to behave more freely)
_ You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. (you can try to persuade someone, but you can't force them)
_ One swallow (n- ngum nuoc) doesn't make a summer. (one positive sign does not mean all will be well)

3. Visualising
As with learning all vocabulary, visualising some element often helps.


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