1. Idioms connected with paying, buying and selling
_ He bought a real pig in a poke when he got that car. (buy S.T without examining it properly first)
_ We'll probably have to pay over the odds for a hotel room during the week of the festival. (pay more than the usual rate)
_ He did $600 worth of damage to the car and his parents had to foot the bill. (pay up, usually a large amount)
_ That restaurant was a real rip-off/ That taxi-driver really ripped us off. (made us pay much too much; very informal)
_ If I were you I'd drive a hard bargain. She's desperate to buy a flat and wants yours. (ask a lot and resist lowering the price)

2. Idioms based on names of the parts of the body

3. Idioms connected with daily routine
_ Come on! Rise and shine! We've got to leave! (a command to S.O to get up, often said to S.O who doesn't want to add at very early hour).
_ There's no time for breakfast. We can get a bite to eat on the motorway. (have a snack or meal)
_ I'll drive and you can have a nap in the back seat. (a short sleep)
_ When we get there, there'll just be time to freshen up before the meeting. (wash and tidy oneself).
_ It's going to be a long day; I'll be ready to crash out about 8 o'clock, I should think (be very tired/ ready to sleep almost anywhere).
_ Still, we can stay home the following evening and put our feet up (relax), and just watch the box (watch television).


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