1. Positive feelings, moods (tình khí, tâm trạng) and states (trạng thái):
_ Jo's as happy as the day is long. (extremely content - hài lòng)
_ Mary seems to be on cloud nine these day. (extremely please/happy)
_ Everyone seemed to be in high spirits. (lively, enjoying things)
_ She seems to be keeping her chin up. (happy desite (mặc kệ) bad things)

2. Negative feelings, moods and states:
_ He had a face as long as a fiddle (dài thườn thượt). (look very depressed/sad)
_ She certainly looked down in the dumps. (looked depressed/sad)
_ Gerry is in a (black) mood. (a bad mood/temper - tính tình)
_ Mark was like a bear with a sore head. (extremely irritable)

3. Physical feelings and states.
_ I could eat a horse! (very hungry)
_ I'm feeling all in. (exhausted)
_ You're looking a bit under the weather. (not very well/ ill)
_ She looked, and felt, on top form. (in good physical condition)
_ I suddenly felt as if my head was going round. (dizzy)
_ I was almost at death's door last week! (very sick or ill)
_ Old Nora's as fit as fiddle. (very fit indeed)

4. Fear/fright
_ She was scared stiff (adj- cứng rắn). (very scared)
_ She frightened the life out of him. (frightened him a lot)
_ We were all shaking in our shoes. (trembling with fear)
_ The poor lad was scared out of his wits. (very scared indeed)
_ I jumped out of my skin when I heard the bang. (gave a big jump)


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