1. Problems and difficulties
idiom (literal phrase)
to be in a fix = be in difficulty
to be in a tight corner = be in a situation that is hard to get out of
to be in a muddle = be confused/mixed up

2. Reacting in situations
Three pairs of more or less opposite idioms

3. Idioms related to situations based on get
_ This has to be done by next week; we must get our act together before it's too late. (organise ourselves to respond)
_ We need a proper inverstigation to get to the bottom of things. (find the true explanation for the state of affairs)
_ It's quite difficult to get people to sit up and take notice. (make them pay attention)
_ I'm trying to get a grasp (n- sự thấu hiểu) of what's happening. (find out/understand)

4. Changes and stages in situations
_ I'm afraid we've just come to a dead end with our plans
_ I think I've reached a turning-point (n- bước ngoặt) in my career.

5. Some idioms connected with easing the situation
_ The government and the unions have buried (bury v- chôn cất, mai táng) the hatchet for the time being. (made peace/ stopped fighting each other)
_ All that trouble last year was just swept (sweep v- lướt qua) under the carpet in the end. (ignored/ deliberately forgotten, without solving it)
_ You should say sorry. It would go a long way. (would help a lot)


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