1. Types of transport:
(aero) plane

Are you flying to France from England?
No, we're going by ferry.
We're going by car/ by train/ by bus.

2. Useful travel words:
customs (n) hải quan

3. A sightseeing holidays
You may do a bit of sightseeing on holiday, or you may do a lot of sightseeing, but you will probably go to a museum or art gallery, and see or visit some of these things:
temple (n) đền thờ
catsle (n) lâu đài
cathedral (n) nhà thờ lớn, thánh đường
market (n)
fountain (n) đài phun nước
statue (n)
palace (n)
church (n) nhà thờ
museum (n)
art gallery (n)
tourist shop (n)
conerts discos/ night clubs
theatre (n) rạp hát
market (n)
Many people go on a sightseeing tour of a town (usually in a bus); they can also go on a tour of the castle/ the cathedral/ the art gallery, etc. When you are sightseeing, it helps to buy a guidebook and a map of the town you are in.

Things that tourists often do on holiday
_ look round the shops/ have a look round the shops.
_ take photographs
_ spend a lot of/ lots of money
_ buy souvenirs (= typical products from the country)
_ get lost (= lose their way)
_ go out most evening
_ have a good/ great time (= enjoy themselves)

Describing places:
These words are often used when we describe places
_ Bruges is a lovely place (=town) and we found a really nice hotel to stay.
_ The town is full of interesting places (=areas/buildings).
_ Venice is beautiful it's always packed (=very crowded/full) with tourists in the summer.
_ New York is very cosmopolitan. (= full of people from different countries and cultures)
_ Vienna has lots of historical monuments (n- công trình, kiến trúc kỷ niệm).
_ Many beautiful cities have become very touristy. (= a negative word: too much tourism)
_ Sao Paolo is a really lively place (= full of life and activity) and the night-life is fantastic.

I spent the first few days sightseeing - The Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, and all the usual tourist attractions.
Most places are absolutely packed with tourists.
I decided to have a look round the shops and I bought a few souvernis.
I got lost on my way back to the hotel but it didn't matter because I discovered a really fascinating market with lots of little stalls selling just about everything from apples to antiques.

I'm not working next week. I'm on holiday.
Are you going on holiday this summer?
Note: If you want to ask if it is 'a good idea' to visit a place, you can use worth + -ing
If I go to Scotland, is it worth spending a few days in Glasgow?
_ Yes definitely, And if you want to travel round a bit, it's worth renting a car.

4. Don't forget to take with you ...
your passport (if you are going to another country)
a visa (a special stamp in your passport to go to some countries)
your tickets
some traveller's cheques and currency (money of the country you are going to)
a camera
a phrase book (if it's a different language)
your luggage.
Can I have a single/return ticket to Barcelona please?
I'd like to book/reserve a seat in advance. (đặt chổ trước)
How much is the train/bus/taxi/air) fare?
Was the journey long? (not travel)

By train:
The train arriving at platform 3 is the 16:50 train to Paris.
The Edinburgh train departs/leaves from platform 6.
Is there a buffet/restaurant car on this train?
Do I have to change trains for Toulouse?
(= get off one train and go onto another)

By plane:
You have to check in an hour before the plane takes off.
(= leaves the ground)
I went through customs but nobody checked my passport.
Give your boarding card to the flight stewards when you get on the plane.
Have a good flight.
The plane landed in New York at 5:30.

By car:
We hired a car for a week. We had to fill it up with petrol.
Can I give you a lift? I'm going into town.
land - planes do this at airports.
fare - what you must pay when you travel.
buffet car - a place to eat on a train
ship - it travels on water e.g. the Titanic
timetable - it says when trains depart and arrive
platform - where you stand when you are waiting for a train.
luggage - bags and suitcases.

5. When you are there ...
Send some postcards.
Try the local food.
Enjoy the nightlife. (discos, clubs, ect ....)
Try to speack the language.
Go to the Tourist Information Office if you have any questions.

What type of holiday did they have?
_ Everythings was included, meals, hotels, flights.
_ We were on the same coach for seven days. I was very tired.
_ We walked about 20 kilometres every day.
_ It wasn't very good. There wasn't much snow.
What is the diference between a single ticket and a return ticket?
_ A single takes you to a place and a return takes you to that place and back again.
What does a customs officer do?
_ He or she checks what people bring into a country.
Does a plane take off at the end of a journey?
_ No, it lands at the end of a journey and takes off at the beginning of a journey.
What do you do with a boarding car?
_ You can get on a plane or a boat.
What is the difference between hiring a car and buying a car?
_ If you hire a car you have it for a day or a week. If you buy it it is your car.
If you ask someone for a lift, do you want to go to the top floor?
_ No, you want to go somewhere in their car.

Here are instructions to get to John's house from the airport.
When you arrive at the airport, follow the signs to the stop bus, take a number 10 bus to the railway station. There are trains every hour. Buy a ticket to Bigtown, then take a train to Bigtown. The journey takes half an hour and you get off the train at the second stop. Take a taxi from the station to John's house. John's house is on the corner of the New street with a red door.


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