1. Farm animals:
animal      produce                                  baby
horse                                                         foal
cow          milk, leather, meat (beef)      calf     (con bò)
sheep       wool, meat (lamb)                  lamb   (con cừu)
pig            meat (pork, bacon, ham)       piglet   (con heo)
hen           eggs, meat (chicken)             chick  (con gà)

Many people keep pets in Britain.
The most common are dogs and cats, but children in particular sometimes keep mice.

2. Wild or zoo animals
In a zoo or in the wild, you will find theses wild animals.
giraffe (con hươu)
goat (n) con dê

In the water, in the air, and on the ground.
Here are some creatures (= living things, e.g animals, birds, fish) that swim, fly or move along the ground.

3. Pets
parrot (con vẹt)
tortoise (con rùa)

Parrots and budgies are birds.
You take your dog for a walk but you don't usually take your cat for a walk.
A tortoise goes to sleep in winter.
A giraffe have a very long neck.
Parrots, budgies and hens are birds.
Tigers and lions are large cats.
You can ride a horse and an elephant.
Fish swim and birds fly.
You can buy meat at a butcher's
Hents and cow (or pigs) give us things for breakfast.
Which of them ...
eat meat?
give us things that we wear?
produce their babies in eggs?

4. Common insects
Here are some common insects.

The suitable creature:
..... can fly at a great height.
..... can swim very long distance.
..... can understand lots of human commands.
..... can run very fast.
..... can travel through the desert for long distances without water.
..... can be 30 metres in length.
..... can eat fruit from tall trees.
..... change their skin several times a year.
..... can pick things up with their trunk.
..... provide us with wool.


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