Whatever - Whenever - Wherever - Whichever - Whoever
+ Whatever: anything or everything; regardless of what
_ Whatever you do, don't forget your grandmother's birthday.
_ Don't get upset whatever your mother says.
+ Whenever: every time; at any time; ragardless of when
_ Whenever we organize a picnic it rains.
_ He interrupts me whenever I start to speak.
+ Wherever: everywhere; no matter where; regardless of where
_ Wherever you go you'll always find someone who speaks English.
_ She'll be happy wherever she decides to live
+ Whichever: the peron or thing which; no matter which; regardless of which
_ Wear whichever shoes are the most comfortable.
_ Take whichever one you want.
+ Whoever: the person who; regardless of who
_ Whoever comes with you is welcome.
_ Whoever opened the gate didn't close it.
Reference: www.vocabularypage.com
[8:09:00 PM
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