Look at the examples of following phrasal verbs based on set:
_ You should set aside some money for a rainy day. (reserve v- de danh, du tru)
_ He tried to set aside his dislike of his daughter's fiancé (vị hôn phu). (ignore - not think about)
_ We should set off before dawn to get there on time. (begin a journey)
_ The redundancies set off strikes throughout the area. (cause)
_ The bank helps people wanting to set up business. (establish)
_ He set out to climb Everest. (begin work with a particular aim in mind)

Here are some more expressions with set:
_ He has set his heart/sights on becoming a ballet dancer. (longs to become (an important aim/goal))
_ They sat up till the small hours setting the world to rights. (discussing important problems)
_ Did someone set fire to the house deliberately? (put a match to)
_ The house was set on fire by a match thrown onto some old newspapers. (ignited v- bắt lửa)
_ John had never set foot in Italy before. (been to)
_ Jill is very set in her ways. (fixed in her habits)
_ Try to set a good example. (be a good example for others)

_ They have recently set up (= established) a committee on teenage smoking.
_ We try to set aside (= reserve) some money for our holiday every week.
_ Set aside (= ignore) all your negative feelings and listen with an open mind.
_ If we hadn't set off (hadn't left home) so late, we would have arrived on time.
_ The government's unpopular proposals set off (caused) a wave of protests (phai doi).

Here are some of the many phrasal verbs with put:
_ He put his own name forward to the commitee. (propose v- de xuat)
_ He's good at putting his ideas across. (communicate to others)
_ Please put away all your toys at once. (tidy v- lam gon gang)
_ He is always putting her down. (make someone look small)
_ We had central heating put in last year. (install)
_ I'm going to put in an application for that job. (submit v- de trinh)
_ Every now and then she would put in a remark. (interject v- xen S.T vao)
_ They've put off making their decision for another week. (postpone)
_ Her sniffing really puts me off my dinner. (discourage v- lam chan nan)
_ The school is putting Hamlet on next year. (present)
_ He's good at putting on all sorts of accents. (pretend (v- gia vo) to have)
_ The fireman quickly put out the fire. (extinguish v- dap tat)
_ Please don't let me put you out. (inconvenience)
_ You're not allowed to put up posters here. (fix)
_ I can put you up for the weekend. (give accommodation to)
_ The government is sure to put up taxes soon. (raise)
_ How do you put up with such rudeness? (tolerate v- tha thu, khoan dung)

Notice also the following common expressions with put:
_ to put your foot down: to be firm about something.
_ to put all your eggs in one basket: to risk all you have on a single venture.
_ to put your mind to: to direct all your thoughts towards
_ to put two and two together: to draw an obvious (adj- ro rang) conclusion.
_ to put something in a nutshell: to state something accurately and in a few words only.
_ to put someone's back up: to irritate someone
_ a put-up job: something arranged to give a false impression.

put out a bonfire/ your host/ the rubbish.
put foward an idea/ a proposal/ a suggestion
put off a football match/ an appointment/ customers
put across your feelings/ ideas/ opinions
put up an umbrella/ prices/ a picture
put on a concert/ a limp/ clothes
put away papers/ books/ files
put up with someone's behaviour/ bad manners/ temper.


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