1. Verbs connected with beliefs and opinions
You probably already know think and believe; here are more
_ I'm convinced (v- nhận thấy) we've met before.
_ I've always held (hold v- giữ) that compulsory education is a waste of time.
_ She maintains that we're related, but I'm not convinced.
_ I feel she shouldn't be forced to do the job.
_ I reckon (v- tìm ra) they'll get married soon.
_ I doubt we'll ever see total world peace.
_ I suspect (doubt) a lot of people never even think about pollution when they're driving their own car.

Prepositions used with belief and opinion words
_ Do you believe in God?
_ What are your views on divorce?
_ What do you think of the new boss?
_ I have my doubts about this plan.
_ I have strong views on marriage.
_ Most people believe in life after death.
_ I was in favour of the proposed changes.
_ What does she think of the new teacher?
_ This is absurd (adj- vô lý, ngớ ngẩn) from our point of view.
_ He's quite wrong in my opinion.
_ Well, that's just sillu, to my mind,

Describing the beliefs and views of these people, as in the example:
_ A person who insists (v- khăng khăng) that the earch is flat (mặt phẳng). (An eccentric (adj- lập dị, kỳ cục) belief)
_ A person who believes absolutely in the power of love to solve world problems. (A firm/strong believer in the power of love)
_ A socialist neither (ko ca) on the left or the right of party. (A moderate (adj-ôn hòa, vừa phải) /middle-of-the-road socialist)
_ A vegetarian who refuses even to be in the same room as people who like meat. (A fanatical/obsessive vegerarian)
_ Someone who is always suspicious of change. (A rather conservative/traditional view of the world)


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