Complete these sentences with the most appropriate word or expression from A, B or C.

1. The two machines _________ considerably. One has an electric motor, the other runs on oil.
A. differ B. differentiate C. differential

2 The __________ in weather between the north and the south of the country is very noticeable (adj-đáng chú ý).
A. comparison B. contrast C. compare

3. Many people cannot __________ between lemon juice and lime juice.
A. differ B. differentiate C. contrast

4. Children must be taught to __________ between right and wrong.
A. differ B. contrast C. distinguish

5. There is a _________________ between being interested in politics and joining a political party.
A. distinguish B. distinctive C. distinction

6. Can you tell the __________________ between a good boss and a bad one?
A. difference B. differentiate C. contrast

7. The management must not ____________ between male and female applicants.
A. differ B. contrast C. discriminate

8. Asia covers a huge area. _______________ , Europe is very small.
A. By way of contrast B. By ways of comparing C. By similar means

9. The new model of car is very _________________ to the old one.
A. same B. similar C. common

10. Her political opinions are _________ to mine.
A. same B. exactly C. identical

11. Some political parties have such similar manifestoes (bản tuyên ngôn) that they are difficult to ____________ .
A. tell apart B. say apart C. speak apart

12. My friends and I enjoy doing many of the same things. In that respect (tôn trọng), we have a lot ____________ .
A. in similar B. in particular C. in common

13. There seems to be a large __________ between the number of people employed in service industries, and those employed in the primary sector.
A. discriminate (phân biệt) B. discretion (tự do hành động) C. discrepancy (sự khác nhau)

14. British and Australian people share the same language, but in other respects they are as different as _____________ .
A. cats and dogs B. chalk and cheese C. salt and pepper

15. Britain’s economy is largely based on its industry, ________ a few hundred years ago it was an agrarian country.
A. while B. whereas (nhưng ngược lại, trong khi) C. whereby (nhờ đó, bởi đó)


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