1. Good service
Look at these comments by someone about a company they recently used.
_ They're a good company. They always make sure you get a prompt (quick, without delay) reply to any query (n- chấp vấn, thắc mắc) (question or enquiry about service) and they're very responsive (adj- đáp ứng nhiệt tình, thông cảm) to complaints (they listen, take them seriously and act).
_ When I rang to ask if I could change the delivery date, they were very accommodating (adj- dễ dãi, xuề xòa) (willing to understand and help) and got back to me (called me with an answer to my query) within ten minutes with a new date.
_ Whenever I ring I get impeccable (adj- hoàn hảo, ko chê vào đâu) (100% perfect) service; they're always very helpful and obliging (adj- hay giúp đỡ) (willing and happy to do things for you), whatever the problem is.

2. Bad service

incompetent (adj) thiếu khả năng, thiếu trình độ
impersonal (adj)
shoddy (adj) giả mạo, chất lượng kém
substandard (adj) dưới tiêu chuẩn
uncoocperative (adj) bất hợp tác

_ There's huge backlog of orders and they can't deliver for three weeks. (number which are waiting to be dealt with)
_ They never seem to have any sense of urgency when you ring them. It's exasperating. (feeling that your request is important or urgent)
_ They have a helpline (telephone number where you can get help if you have problems), but it's useless (adj- vô ích, vô dụng); they always put you on hold (make you wait) every time you ring.
_ My TV broke down but it was still under guarantee/ warranty so I didn't have to pay to get it repaired. (having a written promise by a company to repair or replace a faulty product).

3. Service encounters on the Internet
Some expressions you might find when using Internet websites for goods and services:
_ Most big companies on the Internet offer a secure site (wed address where no outside person can read your details) and have a privacy policy guaranteeing safe transactions. (business exchanges which protect, e.g. your credit card from use by someone else)
_ This site has a very good FAQ (pronounced as initials - frequently asked questions) link where you can find answers to the most important questions.
_ This Internet bookshop is excellent: you can browse and it has a very good site index. (look at the list of goods/services offered before buying)
_ Most large Internet shopping sites offer immediate dispatch (goods will be sent at once) and a nationwide service (covering the whole country).

_ I rang to complain and they put me on hold for about 15 minutes. Then I spoke to someone who promised to ring me again, but they never got back to me. I'll have to call them again.
_ They promised immediate dispatch of the goods I ordered, but I've been waiting over a week now, and nothing has arrived.
_ I've always found the company very responsive to complaints and inquiries. (n- yêu cần, câu hỏi)
_ I was expecting a prompt/quick/swift reply to my letter, but I've been waiting two weeks now, and still haven't had an answer.
_ I asked why they hadn't dealt with my order yet and they said there was a backlog of orders which had built up over the Christmas holidays.
_ In my opinion, the goods and the service were both pretty shoddy/substandard. I would have expected better quality from such a famous firm.
_ Staff in that shop are so obliging/ accommodating; they are genuinely helpful.
_ I rang the helpline, but they couldn't solve my problem.


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