1. Useful adjectives for describing works and performances

overrated (adj) đánh giá quá cao (OPP underrated)
hackneyed (adj) nhảm (OPP original/novel)
impenetrable (adj) không thể tiếp thu được
disjointed (adj) rời rạt, bị tháo rời ra (OPP coherent/smooth-flowing)
far-fetched (adj) không tự nhiên, gượng gạo, cường điệu (OPP creadible/believable)
gripping (adj) hấp dẫn, thú vị
harrowing (adj) làm đau khổ, đau lòng
moving (adj) cảm động, thương tâm
memorable (adj) không quên được, đáng ghi nhớ
understated (adj) (OPP exaggerated adj- thổi phồng, cường điệu, làm tăng quá mức)

2. Success and failure
_ His lastest opera was panned (very negetively criticised) by the critics, which is strange, since all his previous works have been universally (adv- khắp mọi nơi) lauded (highly praised (tán dương, ca ngợi)).
_ The play bombed in London's West End, but was more successful in New York. (was a failure).
_ Her latest CD has won three awards for 'Best up-and-coming actor' of 2001.
_ The critics generally agree that her new symphony is a masterpiece (tác phẩm lớn). (very great work of art)
_ Novak was definitely miscast (v- phân công vai) as the father in that film. (was the wrong person for the role)
_ She has become type-cast (hợp vai) as a middle-aged mother. (always associated with that type of role)
_ He was given several encores for his performance of the violin concerto. (encore calls from the audience to repeat it)
_ She got a standing ovation (n- sự hoan hô) for her perfomance of Juliet in Romeo and Juliet. (the audience stood up and applauded (v- hoan ngênh))

3. Nouns relating to performing
_ I like her interpretation (n- trình diễn) of the song 'Yesterday'. (way of understanding and performing it)
_ I prefer the original version by the Beatles. (one of several performances that exist)
_ He gave an excellent rendition (n- diễn xuất) of Hamlet's speech. (performance on a specific occasion)
_ The actor's portrayal (n- miêu tả chân dung) of the mother in the film was very tender. (the picture she created)

_ The musical (shocked some people because they thought it was immoral) = was rather/a bit risqué and was sttacked by several politicians and religous figures.
_ Her performance was (one of those you will never forget) = memorable/unforgettable, simply marvellous.
_ I can't remember the last time I saw such (a film that keeps you in suspense (hồi hộp) and totally absorbed (lôi cuốn, thu hút) all the time) = a grriping film.
_ It was a play that aroused (đánh thức) very deep emotions in me = It was a very/deeply moving play.
_ It's a film that is difficult to wath without getting very upset.
_ Some of his films are absolutely impossible to understand because they are so dense and obscure = Some of his films are absolutely impenetrable.

Answer these questions:
1. Would you like to go to a play that was universally lauded by all the critices? Why/Why not? _ Yes, it would probably be good, since all the critics say it's very good.
2. Good performers deserve (v- đáng, xứng đáng) an encore. True? Would you give one? _ Yes, usually.
3. Would you like to see a film that was panned (v- bị chỉ trích gây gắt) by the cinema critics? Why/Why not? _ Probably not, as it's probably a bad film.
4. What the top Hollywood awards for films normally called? What is their more correct name?
_ The Oscars, or more correctly, the Academy Awards.
5. Do most actors like to become type-cast (hợp vai)? Why/ Why not?
_ No, because then it's difficult for them to get a variety of different parts.
6. A standing ovation shows that the audience disliked the performance. True? Why/ Why not?
_ False. An ovation means applause, and if people stand up to applaud, it means they have enjoyed the performance a great deal.


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