1. Study and exams
_ Before an exam you can revise (v- ôn lại, xem lại) or cram (v- luyện thi) for it. If the exam happens every year, you can look at past papers (2). Some things can be memorised or learn off by heart.
_ But rote-learning (3) is not sufficient for most subjects. It is also possible to use mnemoics (adj- trí nhớ) (4). But tricks (n- mánh lới, thủ thuật) alone are not enough, and the best idea is to bury (v- chôn, chôn vùi, quên đi) yourself on your books (5) until you know the subject inside out (6).

(1) study intensively for a short time
(2) exam papers from previous years
(3) learning purely (adv- hoàn toàn) by repetition (n- nhắc lại)
(4) tricks (n- mánh lới, thủ thuật) that help you remember S.T
(5) spend the maximum time studying
(6) know it completely.

2. Written work for courses, etc

_ His PhD thesis was 90,000 words long and was on the history of US place names.
_ Little Martha did her first composition in school today. It was called "My family".
_ We have to hand in a portfolio at the end of the course. It can consist of up to five different pieces of work.
_ At the end of this course you have to do a 5,000 word assigment which will be assessed, and the grade (điểm số; loại, cấp)will contribute to your final degree.
_ I've chosen to do the project instead of the two exams, because I like to do one single piece of work where I can research something that interests me personally.

3. The writing process and evaluation:
_ It's a good idea to start with a mind-map (1) when preparing an essay. Always write a first draft (2) before writing up the final version.
_ Your essay should be all your own work; plagiarism (3) is a very serious offence in most colleges and universities.
_ There is usually a deadline (4). After the essay is submitted (5), it will be assessed (6) (v- đánh giá, ước lượng) and usually you can get feedback (7).

(1) diagram that lays out (v- bố trí, sắp đặt) ideas for the topic and how they are connected to one another.
(2) first, rough version
(3) plagiarism using other people's work as if it was yours.
(4) date by which you must hand in the work.
(5) handed in (formal) (v- nộp, đệ trình)
(6) evaluated and  given a grade.
(7) comments from the teacher/tutor (n- người giám hộ)

_ When I'm preparing intensively (cramming) for an exam, I don't see any point in looking up exam papers for previous years (past papers), nor (cũng ko) is there any point in just learning things by memory (off by heart).
_ I know some people develop very clever memory tricks (mnemonics) to help them remember the meterial, but there's no real substitute for re-reading and going over (revising) the term's work.
_ It's a good idea to have some sort of diagram to organise your ideas (mind-map), and memory-learning (rote-learning) is useful, but in a limited way.
_ At the end of the day, you just have to read a huge amount (bury (v- chôn) yourself in your books until you feel you know the subject 100 per cent (inside out).

4. Aspect of higher academic study:
_ University academics carry out (less formal 'do') research and are expected to read academic journals, which publish papers/articles on specialised subjects (adj- chuyên dụng).
_ If a library does not have a book or journal (báo, tập san), you can usually get it through inter-library loan.
_ Academic study can be very demanding (adj- đòi hỏi khắt khe) and intensive, and some students drop out (leave the course before the end because they cannot cope (v- đương đầu)), but the majority (n- phần lớn) survive till finals (the last exams before receiving a degree).

_ It's very easy to fall behing with your studies if you miss even just a few classes. (find yourself far behind other students)
_ She seemed to just breeze through the exams. Everyone else was in such a panic (n- hoảng loạn) and almost had nervous breakdowns. (do them calmly and efficiently)
_ I just can't seem to get the hang of English prepositions. Just when I think I've learnt them I make new mistakes. (understand)
_ When I sat down and looked at the exam paper my mind just went blank. Everyone else seemed to be writing away quite happily. (became empty/ not became very focused)


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