Friday, July 10, 2015

Success & failure

A. Match the first part of each sentence in the left-hand column with its second part in the right-hand column using an appropriate word from the central column. These words should collocate with the underlined words in the right-hand column. In most cases, it is possible to use the words in the central column with more than one sentence.

Column #1:
1. The two warring countries managed to...
2. During his first year as President he managed to...
3. The company couldn’t afford (v-có đủ khả năng) to move to new premises (n-tiền đề, điều trình bày) but were able to...
4. He worked hard at his job and was soon able to...
5. The country badly needed to increase its overall (adj-toàn diện, tổng thể) standard of living and attempted to...
6. After four years of hard work, the motor racing team managed to...
7. He desperately (adv-liều lĩnh) wanted to start a new job, but first of all he had to...
8. Many people want to be rich but few...
9. I have a lot of plans, and one of them is to...

Column #2:
...accomplish (v-hoàn thành) ...
...attain (v-đạt được, giành được) ...
...achieve (v-thu được) ...
...fulfil (v-thực hiện đầy đủ) ...
...realise (v-hiểu rỏ, ý thức rằng) ...
...reach (v-tìm đến) ...

Column #3:
...his ambitions (n-tham vọng) of being promoted to marketing manager. aims of doing well at school and then going to university. agreement for a new lease.
...its targets - those of free education and healthcare - within eight years.
...his obligations to his current employer.
...their goal of becoming millionaires.
...their dreams of winning the Monaco Grand Prix.
...a lot more than his predecessor (n-người tiền nhiệm) had in the previous five.
...a compromise (n-sự thỏa hiệp, dàn xếp) over the terms for peace.

B. Complete these sentences with an appropriate word or expression from A, B or C.

1. The People’s Foundation Party decided to ______its plans to establish a coalition (n-liên kết, liên minh) government with the Democratic Liberal Party.
A. abate (v-giãm, làm dịu bớt) B. abandon (v-từ bỏ) C. abhor (v-ghét, ghét cay ghét đắng)

2. Peace talks between the two countries _______ , with neither side able to agree on terms.
A. collapsed (v- đổ, sụp đổ) B. collaborated (v-cộng tác, hợp tác) C. collared (v,n-túm cổ)

3. Progress in the talks ________when the inevitable (adj-ko thể tránh khỏi) impasse (n-bế tắt, ngõ cụt) was reached.
A. faulted (v- rạn nứt; n-lỗi) B. faltered (v-ngập ngừng, do dự) C. fondled (v-vuốt ve)

4. Our planned visit to the Czech Republic _______because we were unable to get the visas.
A. fell over (v-ngã ngữa)B. fell down (v-rơi xuống, ngã xuống) C. fell through (v-hỏng, thất bại)

5. The company _________with debts of over £1 million.
A. faulted B. folded (v-gấp, gập) C. foiled

6. Their plans to impose (v-áp đặt) stricter import quotas ______when the European Bank declared their actions illegal.
A. mistook B. mislead (v-lừa dối, phỉnh lừa) C. misfired (v-tắt, tịt)

1. The two warring countries managed to reach / achieve a compromise over the terms for peace.
2. During his first year as President he managed to achieve / accomplish / fulfil a lot more than his predecessor had in the previous five.
3. The company couldn’t aford to move to new premises but were able to reach / secure an agreement for a new lease.
4. He worked hard at his job and was soon able to achieve / realize / fulfil his ambitions of being promoted to marketing manager. (Note: realize can also be written realise)
5. The country badly needed to increase its overall standard of living and attempted to achieve / reach / attain its targets - those of free education and healthcare - within eight years.
6. After four years of hard work, the motor racing team managed to achieve / realise their dreams of winning the Monaco Grand Prix.
7. He desperately wanted to start a new job, but first of all he had to fulfil his obligations to his current employer.
8. Many people want to be rich, but few achieve / realize / fulfil their goal of becoming millionaires.
9. I have a lot of plans, and one of them is to achieve / realize / fulfil my aims of doing well at school and then going to university.
Note: Instead of manage to (+ the infinitive form of the verb), we can say succeed in (+ the -ing form of the verb.
Example: He managed to pass his exam / He succeeded in passing his exam)

1. B 2. A 3. B 4. C 5. B 6. C (we can also say backfired, when a plan turns out exactly the opposite to what was expected. For example: All their holiday plans backfired when the children got chicken pox)
Other words and expressions which you might find useful include: 
come off (an informal expression meaning to succeed) / fail / come to nothing

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