Monday, July 13, 2015

Ownership, giving, lending & borrowing

A. Complete sentences 1-13 with an appropriate word from the box. In some cases, more than one answer may be possible.

donation • possessions • lease • owners • tenants (người thuê, mướn) • rent • property
mortgage (thế chấp) • estate • proprietors (người chủ tài sản) • belongings • landlords • loan

1. The law ensures that _______ respect the privacy of the people who live in their houses.
2. ________ of restaurants across the country protested at the new government tax that was put on food.
3. Private car ________ were hit the hardest when tax on petrol was increased.
4. The price of commercial ________ has almost doubled in the last four years.
5. When the recession (tình trạng suy thoái kinh tế) hit, he was forced to sell his 250-acre _______ .
6. Many families lost all their ________ when the river flooded.
7. Put your ________ in the locker and give the key to the receptionist.
8. We will need to relinquish (v-từ bỏ) the offices when the ______ runs out at the end of the year.
9. They applied to the World Bank for a ________ to help pay off (v-trả hết) their balance of payments deficit (n-số tiền thiếu hụt).
10. A lot of people lost their homes when the interest rate rose so much they were unable to pay off their _______ .
11. The _______ complained to the council that the house they were living in was overrun (v-tràn ngập, tràn lan) with vermin (sâu bọ, bọ chét).
12. The law does little to protect families who are thrown out of their homes because they are unable to pay the _________ .
13. Everybody is being asked to make a _________ to help the victims of the disaster.

B. The words in bold have been put into the wrong sentences. Decide which sentences they should belong in. In some cases, more than one answer is possible.

1. Banks will refuse to rent (v-cho thuê) money to anyone without sufficient collateral (n-đồ ký quỹ).
2. If you want to contribute a room in the centre of the city, you should be prepared to pay a lot of money.
3. The best way to see the country is to provide a car from an agency for a couple of weeks.
4. Companies allocate (v-chỉ định, phân phát) from banks to finance their business.
5. It is not only the wealthy (người giàu có) who provide for money to charities (n-tổ chức từ thiện).
6. It is our responsibility to leave (v-bỏ quên) our parents when they get old.
7. The government will tax you heavily for any money that your relatives may lend for you in their will.
8. Local councils will borrow free accommodation to the most needy (n-người thiếu thốn) on a first-come, first-served basis.
9. Charities such as the Red Crescent hire free medical aid (n,v-trợ giúp, giúp đỡ) to areas hit by disasters.

1. landlords (landlady = female. We can also use the word landowner) 2. owners / proprietors 3. owners 4. property 5. estate 6. possessions 7. belongings (possessions usually refers to everything we own - for example, our homes, furniture, etc. Belongings usually refers to smaller things - for example, a coat, a briefcase, etc.) 8. lease 9. loan 10. mortgage 11. tenants 12. rent / mortgage 13. donation (we can also say contribution)
Note: These words can be either nouns or verbs:: lease / rent / mortgage / loan.
Loan can also be used as an adjective, e.g., a loan shark

1. lend 2. rent 3. hire 4. borrow 5. contribute (we can also say donate) 6. provide for 7. leave 8. allocate / provide 9. provide
Other words and expressions which you might find useful include:
supply (somebody) with (something) / cater for / present (somebody) with (something)

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