Wednesday, August 31, 2016

The Story of Fairy Tales

- Learn about the reasons that fairy tales (chuyện cổ tích thần tiên) developed and continue to exist.

Describe the characters. Describe what is happening in the pictures.
Name all the fairy tales that you are familiar with. Which do you still remember from your childhood? Why do you think you still remember them?

Common Themes in Fairy Tales:
- A child's world is rich with stories. The tales they see in movies, read in books, or their parents and grandparents tell them, they take them on magical journeys. They take them to many different places, where they meet many strange and wonderful people, animals, or creatures.

When we take a step back, however, it becomes clear that the stories are not quite as different from each other as they might first appear. (các câu chuyện ko hoàn toàn khác nhau như chúng xuất hiện lần đầu)

Fairy tales:
- These first magical stories told to children: they contain many similar main ideas or themes (chủ đề). These themes are also similar across cultures (qua nhiều nền văn hóa):
 Explain: No matter where a child is born, his fairy tales probably have characters like a poor servant girl who marries a prince, starving (starve v-đói, thiếu ăn) children who find a new home, or a young peasant boy who discovers that he is actually a lost king.
In fact, the most popular theme in fairy tales involves a person rising above his or her low position in life.

- Another very common theme is caution (lời cảnh báo, sự cẩn thận):
The main character or protagonist (n-vai chính, ng thủ lĩnh) often receives a warning: "Be home before midnight" (says the godmother [n-mẹ đở đầu] to Cinderella).
Fairy tales teach the young listener the terrible consequences of ignoring warnings. The message is predictable and clear: if you ignore the warning, you will pay the penalty.

- The plots, or story lines, of fairy tales vary, but they usually follow the same sort of progression:

  • The protagonist does not obey a warning or is unfairly treated.
  • He is sent away or runs away.
  • He must complete a difficult or dangerous task, or must suffer in some other way, in order to make everything right again.
  • He returns home in a better condition than before.

At some point in the fairy tale, something magical happens, the protagonist meets mysterious creatures. Perhaps he rubs a lamp and a genie appears to grant his wishes. The creatures sometimes give him helpful magical gifts with special power, like a cape (n-áo choàng) that makes him invisible.

Summary: There is danger and drama (n-kịch tính), but most fairy tales end happily. The protagonist í successful and rewarded with marriage, money, survival and wisdom (n-sự thông thái). And the audience learns an important lesson about life without ever leaving home.

_ What is the definition of a fairy tale?
_ What are two of the most popular themes in fairy tales?
_ What is one of the lessons that children learn from fairy tales?

"Cinderalla", there are over 700 variations of the story ... 700 variations of the story from many countries: Italy, Denmark, Vietnam, Russia and France, to name a few.
The oldest version of Cinderalla is "Yeh-hsien" from China. The Chinese version of Cinderalla is the earliest recorded version of the tale. This version is over 1000 years old ... from the 9th century.

Transcript of fairy tales:
Let's begin today by looking at the plot we find in a lot of fairy tales. It has five steps:
- Step one: the character is treated unkindly by the family. Step one is the most common and important.
- Second, he or she receives magical help.
- Then third, he or she meets a prince or someone else of a higher status in life.
- The fourth step is the character must prove his or her identity.
- And finally, ... the fifth step, ... is marriage. (for example: Cinderella, she married the prince. He is the person of a higher status.

Why do these stories usually have a character who is treated unkindly? What do you think?
_ Well, this treatment is what helps the character look for change. Without the desire for change there would be no tale. So this is very important.

One idea that runs throughout every story (we must be cautions ... we must live cautiously). In these tales, peace and happiness can only exist if warnings are obeyed. This idea is key to fairy tales.
Let's look at a few examples. Cinderella may have a magical dress, but she must be back when the clock strikes twelve. The king may invite fairies to the party for the new prince, but he must invite ALL the fairies or terrible results with follow.
This idea that we see in every story is very important, ... the idea that all happiness depends on one action. All will be lost if one bad thing happens.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of seeing movie version of a fairy tale?
(movies make it harder for children to use their imagination)
What are the advantages and disadvantages of reading a fairy tale?
_ Possible ideas

The five most common fairy-tale themes can be summarized as follows: Lack of something causes the protagonist to go on a search, during which he or she encounters a magic helper, who helps the protagonist pass a test, after which the protagonist receives a reward.

Practice Lecture:
We'll be discussing two fairy tales:
- Cinderella: the story of a poor girl who marries a prince.
- Harry Potter: (the other is very modern) the story of a boy who discovers that he has magical powers.
By looking at these two tales we'll see that the themes used in these stories are really quite similar, even though they are centuries apart (adv-cách nhau, có khoảng cách) (cách nhau hàng thế kỷ).
(the two house stood 500 metres apart/hai nhà cách nhau 500 mét)
It is important to note (in fact) that the themes in older stories, like Cinderella, still have great meaning today.
Cinderella and Harry Potter have a lot in common. Let's look at a few of the points that these stories share. (write these down, these comparisons of stories, because there will be something on the quiz about them.)

First, both characters are taken in by other family members and the families are very unhappy ... Both live in homes that are terrible places for them, where they are not happy and not loved.
- They both have at least one relative their own age: Harry has a cousin and Cinderella has two stepsisters. (the parents love - not Harry and Cinderella)
- An important part of every fairy tale, it is (in fact) a key part of every tale, is that they both have a wish, a wish that we see in many fairy tales. They wish that they could be somewhere else leading a different life. And this wish is what makes many of the events in the story occur.
- The one final thing that they have in common is that. In both stories a miracle (n-phép màu, điều kỳ diệu) happens. The miracle is that they are given a chance. A chance to change the unchangeable, to become what they wished for, to live a better life. They both find their place in the world, and people who love them.

Today, we will be discussing fairy tales. Let me start off with a definition so we have a clear idea of what we mean by fairy tales. Fairy tales are stories that magical people and creatures in them.

Things happen in fairy tales that can't happen in ordinary life. (example: A boy becomes a bird, a princess sleeps for a hundred years, mirrors talk, pumpkins become carriages (bí ngô trở thành xe ngựa), a lamp is home to genie (thần linh). The word we use to describe the events that happen in fairy tales is magical.

Questions: Let's dive in and focus today on the purpose of fairy tales and answer this question:
Why were fairy tales created?
Let's start by looking at the audience. Who were fairy tales written for?
- Some people assume (v-cho rằng) that fairy tales were created for children. (in fact) It is absolutely not the case. Form very beginning, thousands of years ago, fairy tales were stories that adults told other adults.

But why did they start telling fairy tales? What was the purpose of fairy tales?
We will look at three general, different ideas about purposes that fairy tales serve. These purposes are important to discuss because they help us understand why fairy tales were meant for the adults imagination:
- The first idea is that fairy tales cause a sense of wonder in the reader or listener. Explain: Wonder is the emotion that we feel when we are excited by the idea that something new and unexpected or unexplainable has happened.
   It is this sense of wonder, this sense of strange and magical things happening, that some scholars believe is the reason that fairy tales exist. They help people wonder about the workings of the universe. (where anything can happen at any time. In fact, all kinds of strange things happen in fairy tales.)
Explain how this works: If we can imagine that anything can happen to the characters in fairy tales, then we might also believe that things can happen in our own lives....So, you see, fairy tales help make us hopeful. They make us believe that life really can get better. Isn't this a wonderful explanation?

- Another possible purpose of fairy tales, that is entertainment. Just entertainment. People didn't have TV's or radios or even theater in most places, so what did they do? They played music, they talked, they told each other stories.
Explain: Scholars support this idea by pointing out that fairy tales because very popular in Europe and America during the late 1800s. (by the way, I will include some dates on the quiz, so you should probably include them in your notes.)
The daily life and work was extremely routine and boring. For example: factory work, or being a worker on a farm, this kind of work can be very hard on the body and mind and leave little time for daydreaming and leisure and imagination. So, fairy tales helped people escape from the routine in their lives.

- One more idea about the purpose of fairy tales. Some say that fairy tales serve the purpose of civilizing (v-văn minh) people. Now, what do I mean by civilizing?
Civilizing really means educating people about good behavior.
Let's look at how this works. (Think of the plots [mưa đồ] in fairy tales - the events in each story) These events teach us things. They teach readers important values of life and society. Values like hard work, honesty, goodness.

This is really good way to teach people how to be good citizens. There are always clear consequences in these fairy tales. For example: people get punished for not obeying their parents, so we learn to obey our parents. Most fairy tales show characters getting rewards when they change their behavior and follow the rules of family or society.

Take a step back: see these stories that you think of as simple and childlike (adj-ngây thơ), are really not so simple.
In fact, they're really very deep. Fairy tales are stories about who we are and what we believe in. They may come in the form of entertainment, easy to understand tales of wonder, but they're actually quite powerful.

Let me wrap up with this thought. If you doubt [daut] (v-nghi ngờ) the power of fairy tales, think for a minute about how many of these stories you still know.


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