Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Global Business: Global Brands

- What types of products do these brands represent?(v-đại diện) Where can people find these products? Is there anywhere that people cannot find these product? Why or why not?
- MTV is a very successful brand that many young people know and enjoy. Why is it so successful?

Global Brands:
Which brands are the most successful around the world?

Making a list of top 100 brands that are sold around the world:
- To get on the list, a brand must earn over one billion dollars and over a third of its profits must come from outside its home country.
   Top Twenty Brands in 2005:
     1. Coca-Cola
     2. Microsoft
     3. IBM
     4. GE
     5. Intel
     6. Nokia

Brands like McDonald's, Mercedes Benz, and Nokia are familiar to people all over the world. They are global brands. MTV, which is further down the list at Number 48, is a global brand now.

Companies with some of the most popular international brands are finding new customers and increasing their profits with a simple idea: they create one image for their brand all over the world.

A brand has one name and one "look" wherever it is sold.

An excellent case study that shows this new way of using a brand's image internationally is SamSung, an electronics company from Korea. Less than ten years ago, Samsung was making inexpensive electronics, such as televisions and video cameras, under many different brands.
These brands were successful in their own local areas, but the different names caused problems for the company. Samsung decided to make some changes. They invested in creating better quality products and they put the same brand name, Samsung, on all of them. The company thought that if customers liked one Samsung product, they might buy another Samsung product.

Beginning in 2001, the "new" Samsung began selling high-quality cell phones and digital televisions. Soon people began to think of Samsung as a very-high brand.

As a result, in 2005, Samsung was Number 20 in Business week's list of the top 100 international brands. This statistic says it all: Samsung's profits went up 186% in 2005. For Samsung, like many other international companies, a strong "global brand" was the key to success. They're now at the top of their game and hop to stay there.

The expressions that signal the big picture of a lecture:
- Today I'm going to look at several ways that ...
- I want to discuss the cause of ....
- What I want to do is compare .... and ....
- We'll look at several reasons for ....

Hi there, everyone. It's nine o'clock, so let's go ahead and get started. What I want to talk about this morning is the history of global brands. Now why do I want to talk about the history of global brands? Shouldn't we be talking about the future? Maybe, but in business, we can't understand the future until we understand the past ... All right. I want to discuss the causes of failure of some companies who have tried to do business.

in general: usually, in most situations
result: something that happens or exists because of something else.

To sell their products in other countries, companies need to have a good business plan. If they are not prepared, the result can be very bad for the company and all of their brands. When we look at case studies, we can see that, in general, companies that have a solid business plan for international sales are more successful.

Samsung wanted to diversify (v-đa dạng hóa). That's diversify. Here's what diversify means: it means to make a larger variety of products, ... not just one type, but many types of products. So they diversified their products and then what happened? Samsung's profits began to increase. In fact, Samsung's profits went up 186% in 2005.

There are at least two ways global brands are increasing their profits. Many of the most successful international brands have one "look" all over the world.
- So, for example, we have eBay. That's the web site where people buy and sell things. eBay uses the same Web site in every country where they do business.
- Another way is to use the same advertisements in every country. Look at the company Global Banks. They started using the same ads all over the world and the value of their went up 20% in 2005.

- What are some of the statistics that show how successful MTV is around the world?
- What is MTV's business plan?
- What are the two things that MTV does in order to be successful?
- What does MTV do in order to produce programs with local talent?

Introduction #1: (Yes, It's definitely time to start. The clock is ticking and there's a lot of material to cover) A case study of Levi's. Did everyone get that? Levi's the international brand of blue jeans and (of course) other casual clothes. But everyone know Levi's for their jeans. Today we're going to look at several ways that Levi's has expended globally. Levi's brand is on the list of the top 100 global brands.) /livai/

Introduction #2: (Thank you for being on time ... Let's go ahead and begin.) We're going to discuss the qualities of successful international brands of food today. Now I'm talking about this because, in this day and age, we're seeing a huge increase in the number of food products available to buy. So what I want to do today is compare the business plan of Hershey's chocolate to the business plan of Lindt chocolate. (two chocolate manufactures, two chocolate companies)

(Let's go ahead and get the ball rolling here ... We've been discussing some of the factors related to successful international business. Today, I'd like to talk about a topic that I think you already know something about.). That is right, MTV. Maybe MTV is your favorite TV channel.

MTV, the giant music TV network. MTV is a great case study because it shows us. (it is good idea of how one company can do business all around the world with incredible (gigantic) success. So I want to do is discuss the reasons)

First of all. let's look at some of the statistics for MTV: (before we go on to analyze their business plan)
- MTV has been around for 25 years or so.
- It reaches more than one billion people around the world watching MTV. (You heard me right).
- Most of these viewers are young people between the ages of 10 and 34.
=> So, in other words, MTV is already the most popular television network in the world.

(maybe you're wondering ...)
What their business plan is for the near future.
What more could MTV want?
Their business plan is to expand their network until MTV exists everywhere in the world, until every person in the world has the ability to watch MTV. They want to be in all.

Let's talk about profits. (Here we go) in 2005, MTV brought in 5.2 billion dollars from all around the world. Let me break that down for you
- MTV is an American company in the United States.
- MTV reaches about 88 million homes, is more than 331 million homes outside the U.S in 164 countries. And you can watch it in 18 different languages.
Here's another way to say it. MTV is number 48 on the list of the top one hundred brands in the world.

So you might be wondering, "What makes MTV so successful?". Let's analyze the factors that have led to MTV's success.
- Probably the main reason for MTV's success around the world is also maybe the most interesting one. You might expect to find MTV plays the same music video and the same shows all over the world. But they don't. they play the music that is popular in each country and not just each continent.
- They show videos of local people playing local music. And along with the same lines, they produce programs that focus on the people of the culture of the country that they're in ... MTV maybe a huge, international company, but it looks local.

All right, so now we have to ask, how do these ... how does MTV do this? How do they find the local talent?
- Well, the answer is, they hire staff in each country. That means people who speak the country's language and know about the local musical performers.
- And they create local programs that show these performers. The rule at MTV is that 70% of the programs must show local performers. That's the story.

So, we can see that MTV really created a smart business plan. And what's the result?
- MTV's global market is growing 20 percent each year. I just read [ret] that they want to increase this to 40%. They have a plan, and for now it's working.
They're at the top of their game.

How we could apply these ideas, all this stuff we said today about this one company, to other kinds of international business?

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