Monday, July 4, 2016

A first day in academic

+ Lecture goals or Chapter goals
- Learn about the expectations of college professors.
- Learn general academic words that professors in every field use in their lectures.
- Learn a Note-taking Strategy: Write down the most important words in a lectures.
- Learn a Discussion Strategy: Show interest during a discussion.

+ Syllabus:
Objectives: .... is the study of the way people think, feel, and behave in social situations. The purpose of this course is to:
       - teach students the basic principles of social psychology.
       - show the importance of social psychology.
       - prepare students for further study in social psychology.
General Information
Requirements and Assignments
       - 4 exams on lectures and reading assignments.
       - 1 class presentation
       - 2 one-page opinion papers.
       - Attendance (this includes how much you participate in class discussion.)
Grading policy
       - Course components
       - Quizzes
       - Midterm/Final exam
       - Papers and presentation
       - Attendance
       - Attend class regularly.
       - Do the reading assignments.
       - Turn/hand in assignments when they are due (on or before due date).
       - Do your own work.
       - Participate in discussions: Share your ideas and listen to other students' ideas.
       - Contact me if you have any problems or questions.

1. What will the students learn in this course?
2. What is the grading policy for this course?
3. What does attendance include?

The students of a class talking about a topic related to their classwork.

Which of expectation would be new and maybe difficult for you?
Why do you think she has done that?

Learning Strategy: (Review what you know) it is easier to take in new information when you already know something about the topic. Lecture contain a lot of new information that you will need to take in quickly. Before a lecture, think about what you already know about the topic. This will help your mind to receive the new information and remember it.

Listening Strategy: (Prepare to listen and take notes, Learn general academic words) There are many general academic words that professors use to talk about ideas in their lectures. These words can be used in any field of study - science, humanities, business, art. Learn the general academic words that professors use to talk about the ideas in their lectures. This will help you focus on the specific information that they are trying to give the class.

Note-taking Strategy: (Write down the most important words) It's not possible to write as fast as professor speaks. During a lecture, you do not have time to write down every word the professor say. You should only write down the words that have the most meaning in the lecture.

Predict: To help you get ready to learn new information and listen more actively, think about what the professor might discuss in the lecture. Think about everything you already know about the topic and make a prediction about what the professor will discuss.

What do you expect to learn more about in the lecture?
Write three predictions below. Compare your predictions with a partner.

How well were you able to understand the lecture?
_ I was able to understand all the ideas in the lecture.
_ I was able to understand most of the ideas in the lecture.
_ I was able to understand only a few of the ideas in the lecture.

What will the students study in this course?
What will the professor do in the lectures?
What does the professor want the students to do during the discussion?
What are the two parts of attendance?

Assess Your Notes: During a lecture, you might miss an important piece of information that the professor gives, such as a word, definition, or idea. To check that your notes are complete, compare your notes with classmates in a study group after the lecture.

Discuss the Issues: (Show interest during a discussion) Your professor will often ask you to discuss the ideas in a lecture with a group of students in the classroom. During these discussions, professors expect students to participate actively. Active participation includes paying attention and letting person who is speaking know that you are interested. Use actions and expressions to show that you are interested and paying attention when other students speak during the discussion.

Make eye contact with the speaker.
Nod your head when something is important or when you want to show that you understand or agree.
Write down an idea you think is interesting or important.

The list of expression, words, and phrases for showing interest during a group discussion: Uh huh, Hmm, That's interesting. Wow, I get it, I see.

_ Do you prefer taking courses that have 75 or more students in them, or do you prefer courses with fewer students? Why?
_ Is it better to sit in the front of the classroom during a lecture or in the back? Why?

_ The professor says that some class time will be used for discussions. How do you feel about spending time in class discussing ideas with the professor and with classmates?
_ Why do you think professors want students to contribute their own ideas and opinions?
_ Imagine you were a student in the class you saw in the lecture. What would be difficult for you? What would be easy for you?
_ Look back at your notes. What was another idea in the lecture that you found important and interesting? Tell the class why you think it is important or interesting and risk for their opinions.

affect - The amount of time you study can affect your grade on a test.
consists of - Participation consists of sharing ideas and listening to others.
aspect - One aspect of studying in a university is doing homework.
pointed out - The professor pointed out that many people have never studied social psychology.
research - Students can use the Internet to do their own research on a topic.
theories - In this class, students study two different theories that try to explain how people behave.

_ I'm going to give you some information about what we will study and how we will study it. (or the course requirements)
_ I want to talk briefly about the field of social psychology.
_ We are going to look at people in social situations.
_ So what does that mean? That means, how people interact with other people. That's the simplest way to explain this course.

About Introduction of social psychology, She give you information what will we study and how will we study.

And she want to talk quickly about the field of social psychology, and then I give you more information about course requirements.

First of all, we look at people in social situations. So what does that mean?. that mean how people interact with other people. (that is simple way to explain this course), she said "we're going to discuss some of the theory and the research that explains all of this.
The main objective (before I go any further, let me make one point very clear) of this course it help you become more interested in the field of social psychology, and to prepare you for more studies in this field.

Look at syllabus (she think by now everyone has had a chance to have a look at the syllabus). You saw it on her website, she expect a lot from you in this social psychology class. She will go over the syllabus now.

About reading, she'll assign new readings each class period and reading assignment come from the textbook. you should complete this assigned readings by the date she give you.
Now, the lectures. During the lecture she's going to expand on the ideas that you read about in your textbook (So, for example, explain S.T, give you another example that wasn't in the reading). Her lectures will also include information that won't see in the readings.

Discussions: it is important aspect of this course. During discussion, she will welcome your questions and comments anytime you want to say something. You should feel free to contribute your own ideas and your own opinions. For this to work, you have to be willing to let the other students do the same. ... meaning that we all listen to each other. All of us. That's the deal in here.

And by the way, you don't have to agree with me. These discussion should show how you think about ideas in the readings and ideas you hear in the lectures and discussions, and also what you think about them.

What about your grade? Your grade consist mostly of quizzes and exams.
For quizzes: you'll be able to use your lecture notes, so attending class and taking good notes is going to be the key to your success.
For exams: will not be able to use your notes. No notes for exams.
She'll explain about the class presentation and the two opinion papers later in the semester. (we don't need to get into that right now)

Attendance (a big component in this class) means you have to attend class regularly, but not just come to class. You have to participate in class discussions. Whatever it is, is going to affect your grade.

At the end, her expectation are that you come to class, turn your work in when it's due, share your idea, listen to others and do the readings, and you will do fine in this class.

There's your first reading assignment - chapter one.

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