Sunday, March 6, 2016

How to make a presention

A presentation to colleagues/bosses/customers/ supplier.
_ Your name and position
_ The title/subject of your presentation
_ The purpose of your presentation
_ The length of time you will take
_ The main parts or points you will cover
_ When the audience may ask questions
_ A reference to the audience: a human touch

Tip 00: Time expressions and tenses
Past time (The past simple): sometime ago/last year/in the past/back in 1978
- The past simple is used to indicate finished time:
   She joined the company in 1994.
Recent time (The present perfect): over the last few years/ recently/since 1992
- The present perfect is used when the time is unfinished or not stated. it is formed with have/has + the past participle
   He has resigned.
Present time (The present simple): currently/at the moment/now/at present
- The present simple is used to report on current statys. Don't forget to pronounce the -s in the third person
   It currently stands at 180.

Tip 01: Making a start - Introducing yourself and your talk

Greeting, name, position:
- Good morning. My name's (.. ). I'm the Flew Finance Manager.
- Ladies and gentlemen, It's an honour to have the opportunity to address such a distinguished audience.
- Good morning. Let me start by saying just a few words about my onw background. I started all in ...
- Welcome to Standard Electronics. I know I've mersome of you ...
- I'd like to talk (to you) today about ...
- I'm going to present the recent ... (explain the position/ brief information/ inform you about .../ describe ...)
- We are here today to decide ... (agree .../ learn about ...)
- The purpose of this talk is to update you on ... (put you in the picture about ... / give you the background to ...)
- This talk designed to act as a springboard for discussion. (start the ball rolling.)
(spring-board = điểm khởi đầu)
- I will only take ( ... ) minutes of your time.
- The plan to be brief.
- This should ony last 10 minutes.
Outline/Main parts
- I've divided my presentation into 3 parts/sections. They are ...
- The subject can be looked at under the following headings: ...
- We can break this area down itto the following fields: Firstly (first of all) ..., Secondly/ then/ next ... and then we come to ... Finally/ Lastly / Last of all.
- I'm glad to answer any questions at the end of my talk.
- If you have any questions. please feel free to interrupt me at anytime.
- Please interupt me. If there's something which needs clarifying. Otherwise, there'll be time for discussion at the end ...
Reference to the audience
- I can see many of you are ..
- I know you're all travelled a long way.
- You all look as though you're heard this before.

Tip 02: Linking the parts (ideas)
to identify ways of organizing a presentation
to practise signposting the organization of a presentation

- Fistly ... secondly ... thirdly ... then ... next ... finally/lastly ...
Moving in/Moving out:
- Now, let's start with ...
- Let's move/go on to ...
- Now we come to ...
- That bring us to the third part of my presentaion
- let's leave that ... (finish)
- that covers ... (finish)
- let's get back to ... (finish)
- So that's everything about ... (finish)
Giving reasons/causes:
- therefore
- so,
- as a result
- that's why
- What's the cause for this?
- That's the reason why ..
- but
- however
- otherwise (mặt khác)
- similarly
- in the same way
- To sum up
- In brief
- In short
Giving examples:
- for example
- for instance
- such as
Contradicting (phủ nhận)
- in fact
- actually
- in conclusion
- to conclude
- in particular
- especially
Digressing (đi ngoài chủ đề)
- by the way
- in passing
- usually
- generally
- as a rule

Tip 03: Using the Righ Language - Personal and impersonal styles
Personal pronouns
- Active verbs use more personal pronouns:
   I think. ..
   We are working on.. .
- Be careful not to overuse I.
   We is a good alternative
- for talking about companies:
   We will launch the produc till June.
Reference to th e audience
   As I'm sure you know.. .
   We have al/ experienced. . .
   You may remember. . .
   As I'm sure we'd all agree...
Everyday language
Using slang and everyday expressions can make an impact on the audience and add drama:
   Where's the caring side of employment gone? I'll tell you where. It's hiding behind a damned set oftarget sand objectives - that's where it is.
You need to know your audience very well to use this kind oflanguage.

Tip 04: Visual Aids - Describing trends, charts, and graphs
What soft of visuals will you use?
How will you use these visuals?

Tip 05: Body language - Emphazing and minimizing
- General appearance
- Stance and posture
- Hands - position
- Hands - gestures
- Eye contact
- Facial expression
- Movement
- Strong advers intensify adjectives:
   We've had an extremely good year.
- Adverbs can be total, very strong, or moderate.
- Total: absolutely (fantastic); completely (awful); entirely (depressing)
- Very strong: extremely (good); very (bad)
- Moderate: farily (safe); reasonably (expensive); quite (cheap)
- Look at the way the following expression of degree and uncertainly modify, or minimize, the message:
   It seems we will have to delay the delivery.
   The Chief Executive Officer appears to have left the country.
   It's just a little bit further.
   We're going to reduce our staff a bit.
   Perhaps we should consider resiging.
   There might be another way.
   I tend to think we should stop now.
   To some extent, the company has failed to realize its potential.
Innonation is also very important in giving more or less emphasis to what we say.

Tip 06: Finishing off (Endings)
Signalling the end
   That brings me to the end of my presentation.
   That completes my presentation.
   Before I stop/finish. Let me just say ...
   That covers all I wanted to say today.
   Let me just run over the key points again.
   I'll briefly summarize the main issues.
   To sum up, ...
   As you can see. There are some very good reasofts ...
   I'll conlusion ...
   I'd like to leave you with the following thought/idea.
   I would suggest that we ...
   I'd like to propose ... (more formal)
   In my opinion, the only way forward is ...
   Thank you for your attention.
   Thank you for listening.
   I hope you will have gained an insight into ...
Inviting questions
   I'd be glad to try and answer any questions.
   So, let's throw it open to questions.
   Any question?

Tip 07: Question time (Asking and answering questions)
Direct questions
Polite questions and answers
Statement questions and answers
Clarifying a question
Avoiding giving an answer
Checking the questioner is satified.

Now, putting it all together in order to have a good presentation.

1 comment:

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