Thursday, July 2, 2015

Stopping something

For each of the examples 1-15, choose an appropriate verb from the box which best fits the description and can be used in the sample sentence.

back out (v-lùi ra ngoài) • sever • quash (v-hủy án) • suppress (v-đàn áp, chặn) • deter (v-ngăn cản) • dissuade (v-khuyên can) • give up • cancel
remove • turn down (v-gập xuống, từ chối) • put an end to (v-chấm dứt) • delete • repeal (v-hủy bỏ, bãi bỏ) • rescind (v-thủ tiêu, huy bỏ) • deny

1. To cut out part of a document, a computer file, etc.
To stop your hard disk becoming too full, you should _________ any unwanted programmes.

2. To officially end a law so that it is no longer valid.
The new government Bill seeks to __________ the existing legislation. (n-pháp chế)

3. To discourage (v-làm nản lòng, can ngăn) someone from doing something.
The threat of severe punishment didn’t _________ the thieves from striking again.

4. To persuade \sweid\ someone not to do something.
The college tries to _________ students from entering exams which are not suitable for them.

5. To annul (v-hủy bỏ, thủ tiêu) or cancel a contract or agreement.
The committee decided to ___________ its earlier resolution (n-nghị quyết) on the use of its premises. (n-cơ ngơi)

6. To limit or suddenly stop something, such as a person’s freedom.
The military (n-quận sự) government attempted to ______ the democracy movement (n-vận động dân chủ) by arresting its leaders.

7. To end something suddenly and finally.
The Cornucopian government decided to _______ relations with Utopia.

8. To refuse something which is offered.
You should never ______ a good job when it’s offered to you.

9. To decide not to support or be part of a project or activity after you have agreed to do so.
We decided to ________ when we discovered the company was in financial difficulty.

10. To state that something is not correct.
Before his trial (n-thử thách, thử nghiệm), his lawyer advised him to ____________ embezzling (v-biển thủ) company funds.

11. To stop something which has been planned.
There is no refund (nv-hoàn lại) if you ____________ your holiday less than three weeks before the date of the departure.

12. To make a judging or ruling no longer valid.
He applied for a judicial review to _______ the verdict (n-phán quyết, lời tuyên án).

13. To stop doing something that you have done for quite a long time.
You should _________ smoking if you want to feel healthier.

14. To stop something which has been going on for a long time.
They agreed to ________ their long-standing (adj-lâu đời) dispute (n-cuộc tranh luận).

15. To take something away.
I would be grateful (adj-biết ơn) if you would __________ my name from your mailing list.

1. delete 2. repeal 3. deter 4. dissuade 5. rescind 6. suppress or quash 7. sever (we can also use the expression break off) 8. turn down (we can also say reject or decline) 9. back out (we can also say withdraw) 10. deny 11. cancel 12. quash 13. give up 14. put an end to 15. remove (less formally, we can also say strike, but only if we are referring to something on paper, e.g., ‘Strike (v-đánh; xóa bỏ, gạch) his name from the list’)

Other words and expressions you might find useful include:
discard / refuse / clamp down on somebody - something / delay (to stop something temporarily) / resign / quit

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