Monday, July 27, 2015

Emphasis & misunderstanding

A. (Emphasis) Match the sentences on the left with an appropriate sentence on the right.

1. The minister’s emphasis (n-sự phấn mạnh) on the word ‘peace’ was noticeable.
2. Our guide accentuated (v-nhấn mạnh, nêu bật) the importance of remaining calm if there was trouble.
3. Our teacher explained that it was crucially important (hết sức quan trọng) to pace (v-bước từng bước) ourselves while revising for the exam.
4. At the People’s Party conference, the accent (n-nêu bật) was on youth unemployment.
5. Prominent (adj-nổi bật) trade unionists have called for a boycott (n,v-tẩy chay) of imported goods.
6. It is of crucial importance that we make more use of technology if we are to make progress (muốn tiến bộ).

A. The government will have to sit up and take note of what these important people have to say.
B. She emphasised (v-nhấn mạnh) the fact that panicking (sự hoảng sợ) would only make matters worse. (tồi tệ hơn)
C. The leader gave prominence (phv-đề cao) to the need to create better job opportunities.
D. We consider progress in this field to be extremely important.
E. He put great stress on the maxim that ‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy’.
F. He stressed (v-nhấn mạnh) again and again the importance of an established détente.

B. (Emphasis) Now complete these sentences with an expression in bold from the above exercise. In some cases, more than one answer may be possible.

1. Some medical treatments (n-sự điều trị) do very little to help the patient. In fact, in some cases, they only _________ the pain.
2. The revolution began when a _________ member of the ruling party (n-đảng cầm quyền) was assassinated. (v-ám sát)
3. At the meeting of the Students’ Council, the _________ was on better standards of accommodation.
4. She _________ the need to be fully prepared for (chuẩn bị đầy đủ) all eventualities (n-tình huống có thể xẩy ra) while travelling.
5. The Minister of Transport _________ on the need for an integrated transport policy.
6. It is __________ that we try to improve relations between our countries.
7. She banged (v-đánh, đập) the table for _______ as she spoke.

C. (Misunderstanding) Complete sentences 1 - 9 with an appropriate word or expression from the box. In some cases, more than one answer is possible.

mix-up • obscure (v-tối nghĩa) • impression (v-ấn tượng) • distorted (v-méo mó, xuyên tạt)
misapprehension (n-sự hiểu lầm) • mistaken • confusion • assumed (adj-giả, ko có thật) • confused

1. She was ________ by the journalist’s questions.
2. There were scenes of ______ at the airport when the snowstorm stopped all the flights.
3. We nearly didn’t catch our flight because of a _________ over the tickets.
4. There are several ________ points in his letter. It’s not very clear.
5. He ________ the meaning of my speech, creating the false impression that I was a racist (n-phân biệt chủng tộc).
6. He was under the _______ that socialism and communism were the same thing.
7. The jury _______ , wrongly, that he was innocent (adj-vô tội, ko có tội).
8. They were ________ in the belief that the refugees (người tị nạn) were in the country for economic rather than political reasons.
9. The press (báo trí) were under the ________ that the Prime Minister was about to resign. (sắn từ chức)

A. 1. F 2. B 3. E 4. C 5. A 6. D
B. 1. emphasise / accentuate 2. prominent 3. emphasis / accent / stress 4. emphasised / accentuated / stressed 5. put great stress 6. of crucial importance / extremely important 7. emphasis
C. 1. confused 2. confusion 3. mix-up (informal. It can also be a verb: to mix up) 4. obscure 5. distorted 6. impression / misapprehension 7. assumed 8. mistaken 9. impression / misapprehension

Note: Word forms.
confuse (v) confusion (n) confusing or confused (adj)
distort (v) distortion (n) distored (adj)
misapprehend (v)  misapprehension (n)
mistake (v) mistake (n)
assume (v) assumption (n)

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