Thursday, June 11, 2015

Changes 1 - General Vocabulary

Look at the pairs of sentences in 1-20 and choose a verb from the box which can be used with both sentences. In some cases, the meaning of the verb may change slightly. Then use a dictionary to find other objects which can be used with the verbs.

adapt • adjust • alter • cure (điều trị, chữa) • demote • disappear • dissolve (hũy bỏ, giải thể)
exchange • expand • fade (phai, tàn) • increase • promote • reduce • renew 
renovate (đổi mới) • replace • swell (phồng lên) • switch (chuyển) • transform (biến đổi) •
vary (thay đổi)

1. We need to____________ these cars so disabled people can drive them.
The country found it hard to ____________ to the new government
2. To make sure your car is safe, you should check and ____________ the brakes on a regular basis.
He found it hard to _______________ to living in a tropical country.
3. You must _______________ the voltage or the system will blow up.
He decided to _______________ his appearance by having plastic surgery.
4. Our bills will be less if we ______________ from gas to electricity.
They had to _______________ flights at Heathrow Airport.
5. You can’t ____________ the terms of the contract once it has been signed.
He wants to ____________ his appearance.
6. It will help your digestion if you ____________ your diet.
Prices of flats ___________ from a few thousand to millions of pounds.
7. We need to _______________ our pounds for dollars.
You can usually _______________ goods which are faulty if you show the receipt.
8. We have had to _____________ our sales force to cope with the extra demand.
Water will ____________ when it is frozen.
9. The price of oil will ____________ next year.
Most bosses refuse to _____________ salaries when they are
10. The management decided to ___________ the company and sell the offices.
_____________ the sugar in boiling water.
11. More and more people are moving to cities to ____________ the population there.
The wasp sting caused his leg to ___________ up.
12. The market for typewriters will probably___________ completely in the next few years.
The police are baffled by the increasing number of people who ____________ each year.
13. The old contract ran out and we had to ____________ it.
Many people argue that it’s futile to __________ old hostilities.
14. They have received funds to ____________ the old buildings.
The house is in good structural condition, but we need to ____________ the central heating system.
15. The boss offered to _______________ him from salesman to manager.
Our main aim is to _______________ tourism in the country.
16. They wanted to _______________ me from manager to salesperson.
If we _______________ you, you will lose a large part of your salary.
17. If you wash it too much, the colour will _______________ .
We watched the islands _______________ away into the distance.
18. The company decided to _______________ the permanent staff with freelancers.
You must _______________ the books on the shelf when you have finished with them.
19. The doctors were unable to _______________ her illness.
_______________ the meat in salt water for between three and five days.
20. Governments are trying to _______________ pollution.
The best way to save money is to ____________ the number of staff.

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