Thursday, January 15, 2015

World views: ways of thinking

1. People in relation to their beliefs

2. A definition of one world view
Feminism: The modern feminist movement stems from the middle of the 1960 in North America.
_ Basically the movement seeks equal political and social rights for women. The main theoretical assumption (1) shared by all branches of the movement derives from (2) the bilief that there has been a historical tradition of male exploitation of women.
_ Feminists are anxious to eradicate (3) this exploitation. Feminists is a fairly general label attached not to a set of university accepted postulates (4) but to a rang of beliefs with little in common, save a desire to raise consciousness (5) and to usher in (6) a more equal society.

(1) unquestioning acceptance that something is true
(2) has its origins in
(3) alolish or get rid of
(4) basic principles (verb to postulate)
(5) awareness
(6) introduce

3. Other words and expressions relating to believing
_ credible: believable
The schoolboy produced a barely credible excuse for arriving
_ credulous: too willing to believe what you're told
He's a credulous fool to believe what the management says.
_ incredulous: not warning or able to believe something
I was in credulous when he told me he was quiting his job to go to New Zealand.
_ credence; (formal) acceptance that something is true
This document gives/lends/adds credence to Professor Ray's hypothesis

more ... refer to document

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