Thursday, January 8, 2015

Weather and climate

1. Weather conversations
Here are some more unusual but still useful words about weather so that you can have typical weather conversations where you agree with someone by using a synonym.
In these examples B replies using more informal language.

A. Bit chilly, today, isn't it?
B. Yes, it's freezing/nippy, isn't it?
A. It's hot, isn't it?
B. Yes, it's boiling/sweltering/roasting!
A. It's a bit windy today!
B. Yes, really blowy/breezy, isn't it?
A. What oppressive/sultry weather!
B. Yes, isn't it stifling/heavy/close?
A. What a downpour/deluge!
B. Yes, it's chucking it down/ it's pouring!
A. Isn't it humid today? (adj- ẩm ướt)
B. Yes, horribly muggy/clammy.

2. Climate and metaphors (ẩn dụ)
Climate and metaphors are often used, particularly in written English. The word climate can refer to the general atmosphere or situation in society.

_ His dishonest policies towards the workers created a climate of distrust.
_ The goverment reforms (n- sữa đổi, cải cách) have created a climate of change.
_ The words, cultural, current, economic, financial, moral (đạo đức, tinh thần), political, social and prevailing all collocate (v- sắp xếp theo thứ tự) strongly with climate in this social sense.

_ She has a very sunny disposition - she's hardly ever miserable. (adj- cực khổ)
_ Job prospects are sunny.

_ Unfortunately, our plans met with a frosty reception. (tiếp nhận lãnh đạm)
_ 'You lied to me, didn't you?' she said icily. (adv- lạnh lùng)
_ I'm snowed under with work - I'll never get through it all in time.

_ After the company account were examined, the manager left under a cloud of suspicion (n- sự nghi ngờ).
_ Don't let your love for him cloud your judgement.

_ The soldires were hit with a hail (n- mưa đá) of bullets.
_ The Prime Minister was greeted with a hail/storm of abuse. (n- lăng mạ, chữi rủa)

_ After the long flight I was in a haze for a day or two.
_ I've only a hazy idea what you mean.

_ The truth is hidden in the mists of history. (n- mù sương)
_ She looked at him misty-eyed (adj- ủy mị, sướt mướt) - clearly in love

_ The article sparked off  (v- khuấy động) a whirlwind of speculation. (cơn lốc tích trữ)
_ They had a whirlwind romance.

_ The horses thundered down the race track.
_ Thunderous applause (sự tán thưởng) followed his speech.
(Note: that thundery is used to describe stormy weather while thunderous describes a loud noise)

_ The winds of change/discontent/democracy (nền dân chủ) are blowing across the country.

sunny: pleasant and positive
frosty: coldness
icily: coldness, inhospitableness
snowed under: covered with a great amount of something
whirlwind: rapid, moving quickly
hail; lots of hard things that one can't stop or escape from
under a cloud: not bright and cheerful, something hidden
in a haze: lack of clearness
to thunder: loud deep noise

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