Thursday, January 22, 2015

The media: print

1. Typical sections found in newspapers and magazines
_ One thing I always read in the papers is the obituaries (1); it's so interesting to read about the lives of well-known people. I also usually read the leader (2) (or editorial); it helps me form my opinion on things.
_ Although natiomal newspapers give you all the important news, I find that if you just want to sell your car or something, the classified ads (3) in a local paper is the best place. But at the weekend I just love the Sunday papers.
_ Most British Sunday papers have supplements (4) with articles on travel, food and fashion and so on, and that keeps me occupied for hours.
_ Last week there was a feature (5) on new technology in one of them; it was fascinating. My teenage daughter prefers magazines, especially the agony columns (6).
_ I just can't imagine writing to an agony aunt (7). It amazes me how people are prepared to discuss their most intimate problems publicly.

(1) descriptions of the lives of famous people who have just died.
(2) an article giving the newspaper editor's opinion
(3) pages of advertisement in different categories
(4) separate magazines included with the newspaper
(5) an article or set of articles devoted to a particular topic
(6) sections in a paper or manazine that deal with reader's private emotional problems
(7) person, typically a woman, who answers letter in the agony column.

2. Some types of printed material

pamphlet (n)
leaflet (n)
brochure (n)
prospectus (n)
flyer (n)
booklet (n)
manual (n)

_ The small advertisement in different categories found in newspapers (classified ads or advertisements)
_ A person you write to at a magazine to discuss intimate emotional problems.
_ The section of a newspaper which has tributes to people who have just died.
_ An article in a newspaper which gives the editor's opinion.
_ A separate magazine that comes free with a newspaper.
_ An article or set of articles devoted to a special theme.

_ I've decided to do my own car maintenance, so I've bought the manual for my particular model.
_ Someone was giving out flyers/leaflets in the town centre today about a demonstration that's going to take place on Saturday.
_ I love looking through holiday brochures and dreaming about flying off to exotic (adj- đẹp kỳ lạ) places.
_ I never read political pamphlets; they're so boring.
_ This leaflet gives the opening times for the art gallery.
_ I've got this really useful booklet with details of all the local sights.
_ I've read the prospectus and I like that university; I think I'll apply.


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    He is also able to cast spell like 1: Lottery 2: Conceive 3: Breakup 4: Divorce 5: Cure for all kinds of diseases and viruses.

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