Monday, January 26, 2015

Agreement Disagreement and Compromise

1. Agreement - sharing views

Note the expression "to agree to differ", which is used when people continue to hold different opinions but see no point in continuing to argue about them.
_ We couldn't reach a consensus at the meeting, so we just agreed to differ.

2. Political and social disagreement

3. Conpromise (n- sự thỏa hiệp)
_ The two sides have reached a compromise with regard to the plan to build the new road across a nature reserve.
_ The Minister was not prepared to compromise on the issue of raising university fees.
_ The government made several concessions to the protesters. (accepted some of the demands of)
_ The management and the union reached a settlement (n- sự hòa giải) and the strike ended. (reached a decision/agreement)
_ In this particular case we should exercise some discretion. (be sensitive, use our jugdement)

to agree with (đồng ý)
to conform to (theo, tuân theo, chiếu theo)
to tally with (phù hợp, ăn khớp)
to coincide with (trùng với, đồng nhất)
to concur with (đồng tình)
to compromise on (dàn xếp, thỏa hiệp)
to be in accord with (phù hợp với, thống nhất, nhất trí với)

_ The list of principles conforms (v- theo, tuân theo, chiếu theo) to the normal idea of what a set of rules should be trying to achieve.
_ My view tallies/coincides completely with yours. We think on exactly the same lines.
_ For once all the committee members concur(red) with one another.
_ Her latest statement simply does not tally/concur with her earlier ones. She is contradicting herself.
_ I approve of all the changes suggested, and hope they can be made to work.
_ This plan is in accord with the proposal made by the committee in 1998.
_ Even though I disagree, I'm willing to compromise on your proposal to increase our expenditure.

_ Rift (n- đường nứt) over pensions policy grows: There is increasing pressure on the Minister to think again.
_ "Dissent must be kept within limits" Minister says: To disagree is everyone's right, but a sense of responsibility is also important.
_ Party split over tax cuts no longer a secret: Approximetely 50% of members think the proposals are wrong.
_ Division in Europe over response to African crisis: Several different approaches have emerged which could weaken (v- làm yếu đi) unity.
_ Religious discord threatens social harmony: Intolerance is increasing and there have been isolated outbreaks of violence.

_ The President has made a/the concession (n- nhượng bộ) that the opposition party should be allowed a place on the committee.
_ I think one should always exercise/use as much discretion as possible when it is a question of people's private lives.
_ The landowners reached a settlement in their dispute (n- bàn cãi, tranh luận) with the authorities over the route of the road.
_ The negotiating team were able to reach a compromise and put an end to the long strike.

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