Thursday, December 25, 2014

Relationships: Positive aspects

1. Love and romance
_ When Tome met Lily it was love at first sight.
_ She fell head over heels (n- gót chân) in love with him. (fell deeply and madly (adv- điên cuồng) love)
_ Nick only has eyes for Diana. He's not interested in other girls. (is only attracted to)
_ I've often seen David and Valerie at the cinema, but it's purely (adv- hoàn toàn) a platonic relationship. (adj- lý tưởng thuần khiết). (affecttionte relationship between people of the opposite sex that is not sexual)
_ Nora was more than infatuated (v- mê đắm, mê tít) with Brian (romantically absessed with (v- ám ảnh); she has completely besotted (v- ngu muộn) with him. (almost stupidly or blindly in love with)

2. Friendships and other positive relationships:
_ Atona and I hit it of immediately (liked each other the moment we met). We're true soulmates (people who feel close to each other in spirit and who understand each other deeply)
_ Nelly was my mother's lifelong (adj- suốt đời) companion (n- bạn, bầu bạn).
_ The moment I met Rob I could see he was a man after my own heart.
_ Charlie and I get on like a house on fire. (have a very good, enjoyable relationship)
_ Jim and Toney have been bosom friends/buddies/pals for years. (very close, good friends)
_ Patricia and Carmen are inseparable (adj- ko thể tách rời, chia lìa). (always want to be together)
_ There's always been a close bond (n- giao kèo, ràng buộc) between Kirsten and her aunt.

3. General social relationships: collocations (sắp xếp theo thứ tự)
The replies in these conversations are another way of saying what the first speaker says.
A: You seem to be very similar to Alan - the way you think and look at life.
B: Yes, we've always been kindred spirits.
A: What a nice wedding! Ian and Sally seem to be prefect for each other.
B: Yes, such a well-matched couple!
A: Our Spanish friends are always phoning their brothers and sisters.
B: Yes, well, I think family ties in Spain are much stronger that here.

4. Nouns and adjectives

affectionate (adj) biểu lộ trìu mến ai, có tình
amiable (ad) tử tế, tốt bụng
considerate (adj) chu đáo, ý tứ, thận trọng
faithful (adj) chung thủy
fond (adj) thích
loyal (adj) trung thực, trung thành

_ When Patrick met Andrea is was love at first sight
_ Phil and Colin look at life in the same way. They're knidred spirits.
_ Ever since they worked together, Lucy and Clare have been bosom pals (thành bạn thân).
_ They just looked at each other and head over heels in love.
_ When Joss and I met, we immediately hit it off.

_ Rachel only has eyes for Mark these days. She's crazy over him.
_ They look such a well-matched couple. I wonder if they will get married?
_ Sheila and I have always got on like a house on fire.
_ He's completely infatuated or (much stronger) besotted with her. I 've never known him to be so much in love before. He's like a teenager.

_ She's absolutely devoted (v- dành hết cho) to her mother and visits her every day.
_ I've always had a lot of respect for my boss, and I do enjoy my job a lot.
_ She's been so loyal to me all these years, I can't let her down now.
_ He's very supportive of his  colleagues; they're very lucky.
_ I'm quite fond of Larry, but that doesn't mean I want to marry him.
_ He puts a lot of trust in me, and I feel I can trust him too.

Answer these question, givung a reason why. Name someone in your life who ..
1. you feel a close bond with.
_ My brother and sister: because they represent for me a link with my childhood and with my parents, who are know dead.
2. is a real soulmate for you
_ A very dear friend of mine: because this friend seems to see the world in exactly the same way as I do and always understands the problems I have.
3. is a person after your own heart.
_ My favourite colleague at work: because he does so many things that I also love to do and he has similar ambitions to me.

1 comment:

  1. Please, could you tell me from which book are these tasks and word combinations?
